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Hank soon got off the phone with his foster daughter, Erin, pleased she was on her way.

"Erin's on her way!" Hank smiled.

"Great!" Kim smiled.

The rest all agreed, happy that they could call the one person, Jay could rely on.

"Morning!" Jay yawned.

"Hey, Man!" Adam smiled.

Jay smiled, and grabbed some coffee.

"So, when's Hailey's funeral?" Kevin wondered.

Jay sipped his coffee, and sighed.

"Tomorrow..." Jay mumbled.

Kim came over, and hugged Jay.

"We'll be there, don't worry." Kim reassured.

Jay nodded, and smiled again.

An Hour later. Erin walked up to Kim's door, and rang the bell.

Soon. Kim came to the door, and saw her best friend.

"Hi!!" Come on in!" Kim whispered.

Erin stepped inside, and smiled.

"Hi Y'all!" Erin spoke up.

Everyone came, and hugged Erin, whereas Jay didn't.

Jay couldn't believe what he was seeing, Erin was back, his ex-girlfriend, and partner, was back.

"Hey, Jay." Erin smiled.

Jay came over, and gave Erin a hug.

"I've missed you." Erin whispered.

Jay nodded, and smiled.

"We'll leave you two to it!" Hank suggested.

Erin and Jay nodded, and said bye.

The unit soon left. Erin and Jay were in the middle of the room.

"What are you doing here, Erin?" Jay asked.

"Hank called me, said you lost Hailey, I'm so sorry, Jay." Erin apologised.

Jay shrugged, and sat next to Erin.

"You know, I still haven't forgotten about the time. Nadia wanted me to let you drive..." Erin explained.

"Well, if you just let me drive. Nadia wouldn't of had to step in!" Jay giggled.

Erin giggled, and smiled.

"Listen, If you don't want me here, I understand, I got a hotel, a few blocks away." Erin responded.

Jay looked down, he didn't know what to say.

"Oh, Okay." Jay replied.

Erin placed the finished coffee cup on the coffee table.

"Well, I better go, don't wanna miss my Uber." Erin spoke up.

Jay was lost in his thoughts, then came back to reality.

"Right, Yeah..." Jay whispered.

Erin hugged Jay, and slipped her hotel number in Jay's back pocket.

"Anytime, day or night, I'll be in." Erin spoke quietly.

Jay smirked, and nodded.

"Might take you up on that offer..." Jay smirked.

Erin smiled, and nodded.

Erin opened the door, and left the house.

As Jay took the note out of his back pocket, he smiled to himself.

Room 307 

E x 

Jay smiled, his partner was back, his girl was back.

It soon reached. 6pm, and Jay was getting ready.

"Bye guys!" Jay smiled.

Kim and Adam were confused, on where Jay was going.

"Bye? Where you off to?" Adam asked.

Jay smirked, and spoke.

"Nowhere special." Jay smirked.

Kim and Adam nodded, and sat back.

"See ya!" Jay called back.

The door shut, and Jay got into his car.

Kim and Adam knew exactly where Jay was going, and they knew it'd work.

Soon. Jay knocked on Erin's apartment door, waiting for an answer.

The door clicked open. Erin was on the other side.

"Hey!" Erin's husky voice spoke.

Jay smiled, and kissed Erin.

Erin kissed back, and kicked the door shut.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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