
24 3 0

Everyone was at the crown court, waiting for Jay's case.

"Your gonna be okay, kid." Hank smiled.

"Yeah, you'll be fine, Man!" Adam nodded.

Jay smiled, and the speakers sounded.

All people in Ally Parker's case, please go to courtroom six, that is all people in Ally Parker's case.

"Let's go." Jay smiled.

The unit got up, and walked to courtroom six.

After 25 Minutes. Jay was on the stand.

"Please, state your name to the court." The Judge replied.

"Jayson Halstead." Jay stated.

The Judge nodded, and looked at the lawyers.

"Barba, you may take lead." Judge suggested.

Barba nodded, and came over.

"You were raped, correct?" Barba asked.

"Yes." Jay nodded.

"I'm very sorry, where did this take place?" Barba wondered.

Jay took a breath, and spoke.

"Near Garfield park, on the way to the 21st District." Jay responded.

"Thank you, uh, no further questions." Barba nodded.

Barba sat down, and Mellissa walked over.

"Detective Halstead, Rape, that's a serious allegation." Melissa started.

Jay nodded, and stayed silent.

"Can you point to the person, who raped you?" Melissa asked.

Jay pointed to Ally, who had a smirk on her face.

"Let it be known that, the victim has pointed out Ally Parker." Melissa asked.

Erin held Hank's hand, and squeezed it.

"Did you maybe, have a few to many, and allege rape?" Melissa wondered.

"No!" Jay shook his head.

"Well, It says here, you were repeatedly attacked, and kidnapped, and overdosed on your pills, is that correct?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah, but-." Jay got cut off.

"There's no but, about it, Detective, you recently broke up with your ex-wife, and alleged rape." Melissa explained.

"That's not what happened!!" Jay exclaimed.

"Please calm down, Detective." Melissa ordered.

Jay scoffed, and crossed his arms.

"No further questions." Melissa responded.

The Judge wrote something, and spoke.

"This session is in recess." Melinda replied.

Melinda banged her gravel, and left the courtroom.

Soon. The unit were outside, talking to Will.

"I can't argue, all I can say is what medical issues there were, and what took place." Will explained.

Erin and the unit sighed, but nodded.

"The court's back." Kim replied.

The unit nodded, and walked back in.

"Please, state your name, to the court." Melinda asked.

"William Michael Halstead." Will stated.

The Judge nodded, and Melissa spoke first.

"Your a doctor, at Chicago Med, correct?" Melissa asked.

"I am." Will nodded.

"What injuries, were sustained, on Detective Halstead?" Melissa asked.

"Well, Detective Halstead, he had incisions on his thighs, and, anal tears." Will explained.

"How did the injuries happen?" Melissa wondered.

Will felt sorry for his brother, admitting private stuff about him.

"Well, It had to of been from a sharp object, or a sexual assault." Will responded.

Melissa nodded, and spoke.

"No further questions." Melissa excused.

Melissa walked back, and sat back down.

"Mr Barba?" Melinda asked.

"Uh, A quick question." Barba replied.

Barba stood up, and walked over.

"Do you recognised this object?" Barba asked.

Will looked closely, and nodded.

"Yes, that would've been an object, which would've caused anal tearing, and incisions." Will clarified.

"The Chicago Police Department, found this very object, on the side of Garfield park, it had blood on it, which matched Detective Halstead." Barba explained.

"Objection! Speculation! We don't know if it matches my defendants prints." Melissa stood up.

Barba looked at Melinda, who looked at Melissa.

"I'll allow." Melinda replied.

Melissa sighed, and sat back down.

"Uh, no further questions." Barba responded.

Barba sat down, and Melinda looked at Will.

"You may step down." Melinda nodded.

Will nodded, and got out of the box.

Soon. The Judge was speaking about sentencing.

"People on bail?" Melinda asked.

"We request remand, she's a danger to Detective Halstead, what will happen, if it happens again?" Barba defended.

"Justifying the point. Ally didn't mean to cause any harm, towards Detective Halstead, it was wrong place, wrong time." Melissa argued.

Barba went to argue, but, Melinda stopped it.

"Okay, I heard both statements, Ally is remanded to Riker's, Bailiffs." Melinda explained.

The two guards came, and arrested Ally, and took her outside.

"Jay, you have to believe me, I didn't mean, anything!" Ally exclaimed.

Erin held Jay's hand, soothing him, gently.

"I didn't want anything of this, Ally, your on your own." Jay explained.

Ally scoffed, and got taken away.

After a few hours. The unit were at Erin and Jay's apartment.

Erin was putting a warm blanket, over Jay's sleeping body.

"Jay's exhausted, bless him." Kim pouted.

Erin placed Jay's head on her thighs, rubbing his neck.

"We build each other up, it's what we do." Erin smiled.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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