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The unit haven't heard from Kim in awhile, and they were getting worried.

"Anyone heard from Kim?" Hank asked.

"Nothing." Erin radioed.

The unit all agreed, and Hank spoke.

"Alright, let's all assume, Roy has her, everyone canvass the area, Kim was canvassing." Hank ordered.

"Copy!" The unit all replied.

The unit arrived at the scene, and tried looking for Kim.

"Voight! I got something!" Jay yelled.

Voight walked over, and saw Kim's vest.

"Alright, Roy took off Kim's vest, and took her cuffs, and gun, bag these items, where's Amy?" Hank asked.

"Still in holding." Erin replied.

"Good! You and Jay, take it." Hank ordered.

Erin and Jay nodded, and walked to their cars.

"Hey, why is North getting in contact with you, and Hank?" Erin questioned.

"Just, some stuff, nothing to worry about." Jay reassured.

Erin nodded, so she let it slide for now.

Soon. Erin and Jay were interrogating Amy.

"Okay, we're not going to give you anymore options, or ways out, it's gone to far. Roy, and his partner Logan, have now kidnapped a Chicago Officer, we're not gonna give you any more leeway, so, to make this easier on you, you tell us where Logan is, and we'll let Logan and Roy take the hit, we'll say you cooperated." Erin explained. 

"I-I can't!" Amy shook her head.

Jay came forward, and sat down.

"Are you kidding me? Didn't you listen to a word, she just said. A police officer is missing, and if we find out she's dead, It'll be all on you, and we'll add felony murder to the charges." Jay threatened.

"Okay! Okay! Logan normally hangs out at the club, it's where Roy hands off the girls, that's all I know, I swear!" Amy held her hands up.

"What club?" Erin wondered.

"Hit me up, on 24th and Wabash." Amy relayed.

Erin and Jay nodded, and walked out.

"The club's called, Hit me up." Jay reported.

"Go check it out!" Hank ordered.

Erin and Jay grabbed their coats, and walked out.

Back at the warehouse. Kim was unconscious, and cuffed.

Kim jolted awake, and saw where she was being held.

The ground was cold, and wet, it had lots of boxes, containing drugs.

"A-Ahh." Kim groaned.

The door opened, and Roy walked out.

"Well, Well, look who's awake!" Roy smirked.

Kim tried getting up, but felt weak.

"Oh, Yeah, we gave you some powerful drugs, they should wear off soon." Roy snarled.

Kim coughed, and smelt chemical fumes.

"See you tonight, baby girl." Roy smiled.

Roy opened the door, and locked it shut.

Kim fell to the ground, and reached out her hand, for anything.

"P-Please....P-Please." Kim whispered.

Kim closed her eyes, and fell unconscious.

In the district. Hank sent the unit home, but Jay stayed.

"I'll meet you at home." Jay replied.

Erin nodded, and kissed Jay's lips.

"Alright, love you." Erin smiled.

Jay replied back, and looked back at his computer.

Once Erin left. Jay logged on, and found what he was looking for.

Hailey and Jay were in the car, with Hailey behind the wheel, drunk.

"H-Hails, watch out!" Jay exclaimed.

The truck ploughed into a stop sign, and filled with smoke.

Jay teared up, and pressed the delete bin, and deleted the video.

0-01 - Video deleted

Jay logged off, and got up.

As Jay left, he said bye to Platt on his way down.

Jay soon arrived home, and saw his two girls, and baby boy.

Erin was asleep, with Lily sleeping on her lap, and Marcus sleeping in Erin's arms.

Jay placed the blanket over them, and sat down on the other side.

Erin leant her head onto Jay's shoulder, and mumbled.

"Mm, I missed you." Erin mumbled.

Jay smiled, and kissed Erin's head.

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Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

More than partnersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora