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Jay was in his Chicago Police Uniform, as he walked down the hall to the office.

As Jay got to the door, he knocked lightly on it.

"Come in." Grissom replied.

Jay opened the door, and walked in.

Back at the district. The unit were all worried about Jay.

"How long is Jay, suspended for?" Adam asked.

"Six weeks, to a month." Hank replied.

"Damn." Dawson sighed.

Hank could tell how much tension was in the room, with Jay gone.

"Hey, Jay's strong, he'll pull through this madness, and he'll be back to being a cop." Hank reassured.

The unit nodded, and typed up their paperwork, from yesterday's case.

"So, did you, or did you not, use your firearm weapon, and shove it down Andy Matthews throat?" The Chief spoke.

Jay took a breath, and spoke.

"Yes, I did." Jay stated.

"Did you, or did you not, threaten to kill Andy Matthews, if he didn't give you the location of the abducted child, being, Alex Martins, and, did you say, and I quote 'You got five seconds to give me that address.' those words, coming from your mouth." Grissom took over.

Jay stood his ground, and nodded.

"I did." Jay nodded.

"Okay, what do you have to say for yourself, Detective?" The Chief asked.

Jay sat forward, and explained.

"Andy Matthews, raped, and killed Alex, I was trying to get the address out of him." Jay rushed out.

"By, using violence?" Grissom asked.

"Yes, but that doesn't justify the point, that no one gives a shit, that Andy had abducted Alex, and left him for dead, in the trunk of his car, so, yeah, I rattled his cage, It got me an address, we found Alex, he was dead for about two hours, If I didn't use the right sort of violence, we'd never of found Alex, I got the address out of him, I did, and, I do not regret what I did here." Jay explained.

The whole table of officers stayed silent, and Grissom spoke.

"Detective, your free to go, do not engage in police activity, you are not to reinstate as a police officer, to anyone of the public, please place your gun, and badge on the table, you are suspended, until your fit enough to be reinstated as Chicago Police Officer, do you understand?" Grissom looked directly at Jay.

Jay scoffed, and turned in his gun, and badge.

"This is stupid." Jay whispered.

Jay got up, and walked towards the door.

The door slammed shut, and uncomfortable silence, filled the room.

In the bullpen. Hank came out, with some news.

"That was Grissom. Jay's been suspended till he's fit enough to be reinstated, he has turned in his badge, and gun. Jay's going to need us, he's going to need his wife, best friends, brothers, sisters, all supporting him." Hank explained.

The unit all wore annoyed faces, they missed their funny, sarcastic, charming, detective.

"We all copy!" Antonio spoke for the group.

Hank nodded, and walked into his office.

Back at the board centre. Jay's phone started ringing.

"Dad? This isn't a good time." Jay whispered.

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