
22 2 0

Lily has been in an induced coma, for about a day, and she still couldn't breathe on her own.

"How long have they been asleep?" Hank wondered.

Will looked over, and saw Erin and Jay sleeping, in each other's arms.

"All night, and morning." Will clarified.

Hank nodded, and sat on the spare chair.

Soon. Erin and Jay woke up, and stretched.

"Morning, lovebirds!" Will smiled.

Erin got up, and stretched properly.

"Morning, any change?" Jay wondered.

Will shook his head, and sighed.

"Don't worry, we're trying to get her off the ventilator today, if all goes well." Will explained.

Erin and Jay nodded, and sat with Lily.

"Morning, baby girl." Erin smiled.

Jay kissed his girl's head, and held her hand.

"Your gonna be okay, sweetheart." Jay soothed.

After a few hours. Natalie was getting ready to take the ventilator off.

"Okay, don't get your hopes up." Natalie warned.

Erin and Jay nodded, and watched.

As Natalie turned the ventilator off, they watched for any change.

After a few minutes. Lily let out small breaths, resulting on her being able to breathe on her own.

"Oh, my clever, clever, girl!" Jay praised.

Lily moved around, and opened her eyes.

"Mama!! Mama!!" Lily whimpered.

Erin took Lily into her arms, rocking her softly.

"SIS! SIS!" Marcus babbled.

Lily saw her baby brother, and smiled.

"BUBBA!" Lily smiled.

Marcus hopped his little body onto the bed, and hugged Lily.

"I wove woo, sis!" Marcus whispered.

Lily replied back, and kissed her brother.

"You did good, you got such cute kids." Natalie awed.

Erin and Jay nodded, and smiled.

"Well, what can I say, we're more than partners, we're family." Jay explained.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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