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TW: Sad parts, gruesome parts!

The Morning started off with Erin and Jay's clothes on the floor, Jay's jeans on the chair, and Erin's clothes on the edge of the bed.

Jay opened his eyes, and noticed Erin still asleep.

As Jay kissed Erin's neck, he felt her move.

"Mmm...morning, lover." Erin smirked.

Jay smiled, and brushed a piece of hair back.

"Morning, baby." Jay whispered.

Erin and Jay made out for a minute, until Jay's and Erin's phone buzzed.

"Ugh!" Erin groaned.

Jay chuckled, and picked up his phone.

Case! Meet us at the silos in 20.

"It's Voight, we got a case..." Jay replied.

Erin nodded, she got the same message.

"Let's go." Erin replied.

Erin and Jay got out of bed, and got into some new clothes.

After Awhile. Erin and Jay arrived at the scene, and saw the unit.

"What we got?" Jay asked.

Erin and Jay looked at the body, and immediately knew it was a kid.

"Michael Scott. 4. Died of a gunshot to the chest, died from blood loss." Hank explained.

Jay crouched down, and lifted the sheet, so he could see the child's face.

"H-He's only a baby." Jay whispered.

Hank nodded, and screaming was heard.

"Is that my baby?" Anna asked.

Patrol tried holding Anna back, but failed.

"MICHAEL! MICHAEL!" Anna yelled.

Erin and Jay rushed over, and spoke.

"Hey, we're with the Chicago Police Department, Is Michael your son?" Erin asked.

"Yes! W-Where is he? Is he okay?" Anna asked.

Jay looked down, and spoke.

Ma'am, your son's dead, I'm so sorry." Jay apologised.

Anna felt her breath get caught in her throat, as she broke into sobs.

"Ma'am..." Jay whispered.

Anna fell into Jay's arms, and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry." Jay sniffled.

Jay let the tears roll down his face, as he held Anna.

Erin saw how hard Jay was to breaking, but he held up a front.

"W-We need you to ID, the body, so we know it's your son." Erin explained.

Anna nodded, and walked to the scene.

"You alright?" Erin asked.

"Yeah, I'm good." Jay nodded.

Erin nodded, she knew her partner wasn't fine.

After Awhile. The unit were back at the unit.

"So, we made the mother made an ID, and Michael Scott is her son." Jay explained.

Hank nodded, and looked at Erin.

"We spoke to Anna's Ex-Husband, and he says that he hasn't seen his son, since they separated." Erin responded.

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