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Jay was walking to the district, when a girl came up behind him, and drugged him.

"Night, Jay." Ally whispered.

Jay swayed, then fell to the floor.

"Time for some fun." Ally smirked.

Ally began to remove Jay's belt, and unzip his pants.

After 10 Minutes. Jay woke up, and felt sore.

"A-Ah." Jay whimpered.

Jay felt tears drip down his face, as he noticed his jeans off.

"The fuck." Jay whispered.

Jay slowly put his jeans back on, and walked towards the district.

As Jay walked in the bullpen, everyone noticed him.

"Halstead! Hey!" Antonio smiled.

Jay felt the whole room moving, he felt weak, and in pain.

"Baby, you okay?" Erin asked.

Before Jay could speak, he fell to the floor, and passed out.

"Jay!" Erin exclaimed.

Everyone rushed over, and helped Erin.

"Someone call a bus!" Kim ordered.

Antonio pulled out his cell, and dialled the ambulance.

Soon. Brett and Dawson arrived, and transported Jay to Med.

"I'll go with him." Erin whispered.

The unit nodded, and drove to Med.

After Awhile. Jay was getting checked out, by Will.

"I'll leave you be, Jay." Will smiled.

Jay nodded, and pulled the covers over him.

"So, how is he?" Erin asked.

Will put the clipboard down, and spoke,

"Jay shows evident signs of rape, he has bruising in his inner thighs, he has a needle mark in his arm, he's bleeding anally, this all leads to sexual assault." Will explained.

The unit had venom fill their bodies, they were ready to kill.

"Can I see him?" Erin asked.

Will nodded, and opened the door.

As Erin walked in, she saw her pale husband.

Jay was crying quietly, with his knees drawn up, and the duvet over him.

"Jay? I'm here, baby." Erin soothed.

Erin slowly came over, and held Jay, tightly.

"You can let it out, your safe." Erin sniffled.

Jay broke into sobs, he felt like he had no more fight in him.

"She just drugged me, Erin." Jay cried.

Erin sniffled, and let the tears roll down her face.

"Do you know who it was, bubs?" Erin wondered.

Jay sniffled, and closed his eyes.

"That's fine, you just rest." Erin smiled.

Erin placed Jay's head on the pillow, and kissed his forehead.

As Erin opened the door, she walked out.

"He's exhausted, physically, and mentally, won't be getting much today." Erin explained.

Hank nodded, and spoke.

"That's fine, we can wait." Hank replied.

The unit nodded, and Kim spoke up.

"I'll collect Lily and Marcus, Makayla's always wanted to have a sleepover." Kim suggested.

"Thanks, Kim." Erin smiled.

Kim smiled, and nodded.

After Awhile. Jay was talking to Daniel.

"Hey, I heard what happened, I'm so sorry." Daniel apologised.

Jay opened his eyes, and nodded.

"I'm not here to bully you, I'm here to help you." Daniel smiled.

Jay sighed, and mumbled.

"What was that, Jay?" Daniel whispered.

"Ally." Jay mumbled.

Daniel nodded, and spoke.

"Who's Ally, Jay? Is she the one who did this?" Daniel questioned.

Jay nodded, and sniffled.

"Okay, I can't go any further, but you did good." Daniel reassured.

Daniel patted Jay's ankle, and left the room.

As Daniel opened the door. Erin spoke.

"Is he okay?" Erin asked.

"Ally, is the one who raped, Jay." Daniel explained.

Erin nodded, and sighed.

"Did he say anything else?" Hank asked.

"No, I couldn't go any further, because that's not in my department, that's your job." Daniel explained.

Erin and the unit nodded, and Erin spoke.

"I'll go check on him." Erin excused herself.

Erin opened Jay's door, and shut it.

As Erin walked over, she saw her husband, asleep.

"I'm here, baby." Erin whispered.

Jay opened his eyes, and rubbed his belly.

"Hey, what's up?" Erin asked.

"Bellyache." Jay groaned.

Erin pouted, and sat on the bed.

"What's it feeling like, babe?" Erin questioned.

"My tummy, it feels all fuzzy." Jay explained.

Erin gently rubbed Jay's tummy, whispering sweet nothings.

"Your gonna be okay, the doctor's want you to stay for another night." Erin responded.

Jay nodded, and sobbed.

"Aww, baby, I know your in pain." Erin pouted.

Erin pulled Jay's head to her lap, rubbing his curls.

"What hurts, bubs?" Erin wondered.

"Everything, tummy, pelvis." Jay whimpered.

Erin nodded, and rocked Jay softly.

Soon. Jay was sleeping on Erin's lap, and Lily and Marcus, were there.

"Is daddy, okay?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, just in pain, and sleepy." Erin smiled softly.

Lily and Marcus nodded, and sat back down.

A few hours later. Erin, Jay. Marcus, and Lily, were asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂

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