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Erin and Jay were at the bullpen, when Magda came upstairs, with some exciting news.

"Jay, Erin?" Adam called.

Erin and Jay looked up, and saw Magda.

"Magda? Is everything okay?" Erin asked.

"Yes! Yes! I had word that, you are officially Lily Grace's guardians." Magda explained.

Erin and Jay teared up, and the whole unit screamed in excitement.

"R-Really?" Jay asked.

Magda nodded, and smiled.

"THANK YOU!!" Erin screamed.

Magda hugged Erin and Jay, and sniffled.

"Congratulations! I wish you all the best." Magda smiled.

"Thank you!" Jay sniffled.

Magda nodded, and left the bullpen.

"AHHHH!!" Kim yelled.

Kim gave bearhugs to Erin and Jay, so did the rest of the team.

"I'm so happy for y'all!" Kevin beamed.

"Thanks guys!" Jay smiled.

After Awhile. Lily came upstairs with Platt.

Little Lindsay in the house?" Platt called.

Erin and Jay saw Lily, and Trudy.

"Hey, what's going on?" Erin asked.

Lily jumped into Erin's arms, and snuggled down.

"W-Well. Jennifer called, she's made contact with Will..." Trudy responded.

Erin and Jay nodded, and Lily made gurgles.

"I-Is Will okay?" Erin asked.

Trudy nodded, and spoke.

"Will's fine, he has met a new girl, their engaged, Jay." Trudy looked at Jay.

Jay felt a lump in his throat, but swallowed thickly.

"W-Wow!" Jay whispered.

Trudy sighed, and nodded.

"Your mom's downstairs." Trudy replied.

Jay nodded, and walked downstairs.

"Adam, can you take Lil, get her some snacks, or something?" Erin suggested.

"No problem!" Adam smiled.

Adam took Lily out of Erin's arms, and walked into the breakroom.

Soon. Jay came up, with his mom.

"Why didn't you tell me!!" Jennifer asked.

"Not here." Jay spoke.

Jennifer scoffed, and followed Jay.

The door shut, and arguing was heard.

"Poor kid." Hank sighed.

"Yeah." Kim nodded.

Jennifer and Jay continued arguing, until Jay came out.


"JAYSON LEE HALSTEAD!" Jennifer yelled.

"Guys! Jennifer you've said your peace, please leave." Erin ordered.

Jennifer sighed, and left the bullpen.

"Jay, y-." Erin got cut off.

"I'm fine!" Jay cut off.

Erin nodded, and sat at her desk.

"Well, Lily's all changed, she's been fed." Adam replied.

"Thanks, Adam." Erin smiled.

Adam nodded, and sat Lily on his lap.

A few hours later. The unit all went home.

"So, what was all that arguing about, babe?" Erin asked.

"You know, same old stuff. Will won't call mom, mom blames the middle child, which is me." Jay explained.

Erin was confused.

"Wait? I thought you were the youngest?" Erin raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I got another brother, Austin, he's only twenty, the order it goes in is. Will, Me, Austin." Jay responded.

Erin nodded, she had no idea.

"Well, we got Lily, that all that matters, and Lily knows, we'll never abandon her." Erin reassured.

Jay nodded, and fell to sleep.

"Night, baby." Erin smiled.

Erin kissed Jay's nose, and fell asleep.

Hi My Readers!!

Hope you enjoyed this part!!

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~Stay Safe 🙂 

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