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Alexia's POV

"We will see you tomorrow?" Mapi asked Braylee curiously.

"If I can move." Braylee let her head drop back exposing her jawline.

"You said you needed it." I looked over at her with a small smirk on my face. God that was so amazing. She's so amazing...

"Mmhmm goodbyeeeee." She fell back against the bed with a smile on her face as Mapi and I exited the room. Possibly the last time I'll be exiting the room in that manner.

"(Coffee?)" I glanced over at the midfielder curiously.

"Yeah." Mapi nodded as she pulled her car keys out of her pocket.

"(Why do I have a feeling that this is just going to be us grabbing coffee?)" Mapi glanced over as she began driving. I figured she'd catch on.

"(We need to have a serious talk.)" I told her bluntly and she nodded. Braylee's place wasn't far from the coffee place so I suppose she was just waiting to start questioning me.

"(So I take it this talk is about Braylee.)" Mapi asked me as she parked her car.

"(That would be correct.)"

"(And should I be scared?)"

"(No...)" I mean how was I supposed to answer that. I'm not sure how she's going to react to this honestly.

"(That makes me scared.)"

"(Hush and order your drink.)" I rolled my eyes as we both ordered and took a seat.

"(Okay so what is it?!)" Mapi asked me eagerly wanting to know.

"(I'm stepping back from the group. I feel like I'm in the way of what could be a really good relationship between you and Braylee.)"

"(But you really like her too?)" Mapi looked at me confused as she relaxed a bit.

"(Mapi you're in love with her I just really enjoy the sex and think she's hot. I don't deserve her the way you do. You love her Mapi. And I love you which is why I will always do what's best for you.)"

"(I mean I wouldn't say I'm fully in love with her-she-she's more into you Alexia. Making in shift in arrangements might mess it all up!)" Mapi was panicking. I had a feeling she might.

"(Maria, listen to me. You literally admitted to being in love with her after having sex. I was there I saw the way you treat her. I was just trying to make her forget, but you were...I don't know how to describe the difference but its big. I can't keep messing around with her.)" I shook my head as the defender looked like she was ready to interject at any moment.

"(Tatum loves you! If anyone you should be the one she ends up with now. You're so much better for-.)"

"(Maria. Stop. She's not going to leave you like Ingrid did.)" I reached out and squeezed her hand. I knew that Mapi was only acting like this because of how strong her feelings for the American striker are.

"(I can't go through another heart break.)"

"(What makes you think she'd do that? Don't forget how she's been treated. She knows better Mapi. There's something different about her. I really think that she's meant for you.)" Mapi gave a small nod.

"(I am in love with her...)"

"(I could tell...for awhile actually.)" I admitted begrudgingly.

"(What about you Lex? What are you going to do? Maybe its time to reconnect with a certain Spanish forward?)" Mapi gave me a soft smile as the coffee was placed down in front of us.

"(There is a possibility.)"

"(I'd like to see the two of you back together.)"

"(Mapi, just make sure to treat her right.)"


"(I was beginning to just use her...so please on my behalf treat her right. She's a good girl and you two can be super happy together. And you know you won't have to hide it from the team now, but she might keep it from Tatum still.)"

"(Yeah I promise I will. She's so beautiful. Her voice is so soft and addicting.)" Mapi gushed as she rested her chin on her palm.

"(Glad to see you in love again.)"

"(Chills to hear that I'm in love again. Part of me is still scared.)" Mapi sighed and I shook my head.

"(No. I just won't accept that. You really like that girl Mapi! As soon as you're around her you're definitely not scared.)" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"(Hmm animal instincts take over around that girl.)" Mapi's eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"(Protect her.)" I switched my tone to stern. As much as I loved Mapi I knew there was a stupid side to her. And I began to really know the roots of Braylee.

There was something so innocent and sweet about that girl. No matter how many times people have wronged that girl she deals with it. Mapi doesn't see it, but I could tell by the way she deals with Tatum that she raised her siblings. Something about Braylee's past was going to be key to everything...

Its just a matter of time until we figure out what her past will reveal.

What caused her to keep Tatum here? And the audacity of her parents to not even talk to her when Tatum was sent here. What's the story behind that situation.

"(You went quiet.)"

"(Well something came to mind.)"

"(Tell me!)"

"(Aren't you curious about Braylee's family situation? Like her being the oldest and the responsibility her parents have always put on her. I mean she's literally raising Tatum for them!)" I shook my head attempting to wrap my thoughts around her.

"(Talk to her for me?)" Mapi smiled shyly.

"(Yes ma'am.)"

"(You're the best Putellas.)"

"(Tell me something I don't know.)"

"(You're cocky as fuck.)" Ouch.

"(And you're goofy as fuck.)"

"(Which mix us together and that's why we're the best.)" Mapi grinned wide.

"(Always!)" I smiled finishing off my drink.

"(I'm so glad that you're going to be so happy again soon Leon.)" I reached across the table to hold her hand.

"(Do you think that she'll feel comfortable telling the team?)"

"(I could find out from Lia if they had told Arsenal when they were dating?)" I told her and she nodded.

"(Sounds like a plan. Ready to head out?)"

"Yup." Mapi got up and we linked arms happily walking out of the place.

The best of luck to you, Leon. You're going to need it for this American.

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