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Alexia's POV

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I could go for a nice little morning round. Because I cannot get enough of last night..." Braylee climbed back onto my lap to hover over me.

"This may not be a good habit for you B."

"I'm going to start taking clothes off. Less talking more...you know." She winked at me. God Alexia, don't fold.

"Braylee seriously, you should talk to me. I know you're upset." I kissed her cheek and she lowered herself to sit on my lap.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do Al? Cry over her for the next week? I'd much rather do something else." She grabbed my hands and ran them down the front of her body.

"You're such a..."

"What whore?"

"I was going to say flirt! You are not-that! You're a beautiful, talented, amazing human being. I only stopped seeing you because I thought you would be better off with Mapi and I really thought she was like in love with you...I mean she is, but obviously she's not over Ingrid." I sighed as a tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Why are we talking about her? Why are we talking at all?" She smirked again and leaned in.

"Braylee! This is you deflecting."

"Whatever I'm going to get in the shower. Since I'm deflecting." She rolled her eyes as she pushed herself off of me.

"Fine." I gripped her wrist and pushed her back into the bed. Her eyes flickered up and down as she broke out in a smile again pulling me down against her body.

A body I loved being on top.


"Pepas y agua pa la seca!" Jesus christ.

"Braylee, please get down from there."

"Sube la' mano' y las botella' pa'rriba!" Ona sang with Braylee as well. If you haven't assumed it yet they are incredibly floated right now.

"Why be down when you could be hiiiiigh!" Braylee slurred her words as she held the bottle of tequila up.

"You're going to get hurt B. Aitana some help please?" I turned to the much more sober girl who was slowly sipping on a beer.

"Okay...Bray. Babe you gotta get down from there love. We don't need that pretty ass face to be injured." It was an odd delivery, but Aitana managed to get the American girl down off the counter.

"You're ruining my fun bubs." Braylee sat down on the counter as she reached her arms out to pull me closer. I groaned internally as I looked away from her, but listened and stood closer.

"Havin fun Putellas?" Lucy walked over with a water to give the drunk twenty four year old. Meanwhile Aitana walked away from us with Keira.

"I want your lips on my lips." She grabbed my face and squeezed it.

"(You need to drink some water.)" I lifted the bottle up to her lips and she drank it in the most seductive way possible.

"(Stop that!)"

"I would not be saying stop if she looked at me that way." Lucy teased me.

"(Doesn't everyone know not to give Ona alcohol? She just tried to jump off the balcony.)" Salma and Mariona walked over to me.

"(Bring me her as well.)" I rolled my eyes as I pulled Braylee off the counter and held her into my side so she wasn't able to run off and get even more vodka.

"(Goodluck Al.)" Mariona laughed at me as she sent Salma to get Ona.

"You're like so fucking hot. I really hope we have a lot of sex tonight." She bit my earlobe and I almost picked her up and took her to my bedroom right there.

"(No. Stop.)"

"(Come on Alexia. Please for me?)" I could rarely get that girl to speak Spanish so she was really trying to test me right now. She was really close to getting her way.

"(Found her.)" Salma carried Ona back over to me so I could keep her from accidentally killing herself as well. I held Braylee on my right side and Ona on my left.

"(Havin fun there mommy Putellas?)" Irene walked over with Patri. Most of the girls were at my place except for Ingrid, Mapi, and the young underage group.

"(I just don't want her to get hurt or her to get sick.)" I told her speaking about Ona and Braylee. The two were a little too silent for awhile as I talked with Irene and Patri.

"(Is she asleep?)" I asked them gently as I released Ona so Lucy could hold her.

"(She's pretty sleepy looking. Let's go take a seat, shall we?)" Irene motioned towards the couch and we were joined by Aitana and Mariona.

"(So what's going on between you two now that Mapi is out of the picture?)" Aitana asked me curiously. I glanced down to see if she was listening at all, but she was completely passed out.

"(I think its best if she returns to Arsenal. She's a mess right now and she's deflecting being hurt. I don't know how she acted the first time she got cheated on but this is way worse than when Charles cheated on her.)"

"(Why does she need to go back to Arsenal if that's where the original cheater is?! I want Braylee to stay here.)" Aitana frowned as she held Ona in her arms.

"(She needs to go back to Lia...I know there's still something there and I just don't think Braylee and I would be a good idea. I have more responsibility on this team than Mapi. I can't afford to be focusing on her right now.)"

Ever since Lia and I have been talking I realized how important Braylee was to her. She's meant to be with Walti. I have to do what's best for Braylee and that is getting her home.

"(What if she doesn't want to go back?)" Mariona asked me curiously. I knew that Braylee was too drunk to filter herself.

"Hey Bray. Have you considered going back to Arsenal?" I rubbed her arm to wake her up.

"Arsenal? I mean...yeah since I still love Lia I'd go home to her. Now let me sleep Lex." The girl mumbled into my neck quietly.

"(So that settles it.)" Aitana had a small frown on her face as she held Ona closer to her. I know they were her best friends here.

It's time that Braylee Parker goes home.

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