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Aitana's POV

"(Lia and Leah are on their way out here. I know that she needs them too right now...Lia was Tatum's favorite after all.)" Mapi exited the young girls room tired. Alexia now held their girl as she softly cried in her younger sister's bedroom.

Braylee requested to go to the younger girl's room to grieve. Probably the closest way she can get to her right now.

"(How are you two doing? I know you spent a lot of time with Tate.)" Mapi pulled me into a hug. Ona, Mapi, and Alexia were so much stronger than me. I couldn't help by cry along with Braylee.

Tatum was so young.

And I know that deep down Braylee and I share the same type of mind. I know Bray blames herself for all of this. I know she's going to turn cold. If we don't try our best to keep her head right then things are going to go very south for her.

"(Are you scared?)"

"(Scared? What are you talking about Aita?)" Mapi looked at me confused.

"(How this could change Braylee... something like this truly changes someone.)" I asked her, but truly it was more to bring the possibility into her mind. Mapi didn't have that mindset. She's always been a goofy person who never really saw the negativity.

"(What should I do?)"

"(Not much we can do...we'll all be there for Braylee. It's going to be a hard time, but you're already doing the right thing. It takes a lot to put yourself aside for her.)" Ona told her, but Mapi didn't understand again.

"(Wait what did I do to put her first?)"

"(You invited the ex love of her life to come comfort her when she's most vulnerable...it was the right thing to do, but its risky.)" Ona shrugged as she pulled me into her arms. Ona gently kissed my head.

"(I don't know what else to do...I can't handle her right now. I can't even handle my own emotions. Braylee didn't love anyone as much as she loved Tatum. God what is this going to do...I know this is selfish, but what if this ruins our relationship and she blames me. She was away from Tatum to spend time with me.)" Mapi collapsed back onto the couch with a frown. Now it caught up to her.


Ona's POV

"It's not your fault Mapi." Lucy rolled her eyes as she entered the room. Lucy had actually met Tatum before all of us. When Braylee played for Arsenal Lucy and Keira visited. Keira was out with Lia, but Lucy hungout with some of the others.

"Hey Luce." I walked over and Lucy picked me up. I felt a bit of relief that she was here with Keira to help comfort Aitana, Mapi, and of course Braylee. Maybe it just hasn't completely hit me yet, but I wasn't a mess.

"Ona...I'm here now so you don't have to act so strong. Keira's holding Aitana and Mapi went back to Alexia and Braylee. Come here." Lucy pulled me into her arms and I finally broke down.

"She was so young."

"I know. I know Ona. Its really going to hurt for awhile. We'll all get through this. You don't have to hide your feelings." Lucy kissed my forehead before rocking me back and forth in her arms allowing me to cry like I needed to.

"Lucy why does this feel like the beginning of just more bad to come?"

"Everything is going to feel so wrong right now. That's just how it will be."

"Why did this happen to Tatum-why did this happen to Braylee. Braylee Parker is such a sweet, amazing human being. Those two were meant to play on the field one day together." I shook my head and Lucy just rubbed my back as I sobbed into her chest.

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