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Braylee's POV

"Leah and Lia! Leah and Lia!" I shook my head at Tatum's cheering. Since we had a small break we were able to go to London for a few days. However Mapi was not very happy about this trip.

"I'll call you tonight okay?" I reached out for Maria's hands to pull her into my hold.

"(I suppose I'll be waiting on that.)"

"I'm sorry Mapi it's only going to be a few days. Don't miss me too much." I kissed her cheek before getting into the car. She agreed to take us to the airport.

"Mapi do you like London? I love London. There's something about that place...." I tuned Tatum's mumbling out as I looked at Mapi's reactions. I could tell that the two of us traveling to London was really bothering her.

I missed the Arsenal girls a bit.

I missed Leah and Lia alot. Leah was my bestfriend for awhile now. And sure I have an amazing connection with some of the girls here, but at the end of the day things just didn't feel the same.

The closest to feeling at home was when I was alone with Tatum in our apartment or hanging out with Ona. Ona was the best speaking English player that is Spanish. Besides Ona and I just clicked.

And don't get me wrong I really like Maria and possibly more, but there's times when something just feels wrong.

Like maybe I should have just stayed at Arsenal...maybe I should have just stayed with Lia and forgave them.

"I hope you have a good time in London."

Mapi gave me a smile as we pulled into the airport. Tatum bounced out of the car more excited than me to visit London. I walked around to the back and placed a soft kiss on Mapi's cheek as she grabbed my bag out of the trunk.

"B come on!" Tatum took off and I was forced to leave Mapi's side.


"Bray." Lia pulled me in for a hug. I could feel her smiling against the side of my face.

"I missed you Walti."

"I missed you too Parker."

"Hi Lia!" Tatum entered the room as Leah carried our bags in.

"Hi little t." Lia parted from me to hold Tatum.

Tatum adored Leah and Lia. She really liked my Barcelona teammates, but not as much as Leah and Lia. I loved those two so much as well. She's always been good at choosing the good ones to like and look up to.

Leah smiled from the doorway as Lia and Tatum conversed. Lia had actually taught Tatum a bit of German so the two were speaking that currently.

"I'm so glad we're staying with Lia!"

"I'm so glad you're staying with me too." Lia kissed her check and smiled.

"Now you come back." Lia opened her arms up for me again.

"Can't get enough of me yet?" I smiled as I held her arms around me. The warm cozy feeling of being in her arms was a feeling I missed so much. She's such a warm hearted person. How could I not be happy to be back.

"I missed your hugs."

"I miss you." Lia whispered into my ear as she pulled me to her couch. Leah taking a seat on the other side and holding Tatum.

"B, please come back to Arsenal." Lia began pleading with me and I sighed.

As I said I've been battling with my own thoughts about my departure. Maybe I should have just worked things out with the two of them. Maybe if I had given the threesome a chance with them I'd be more than happy.

There were too many maybe's.

"Bray loves Barcelona. And she wouldn't dare leave her girlfriend." Tatum's comment took Lia and Leah by surprise.

"Girlfriend?" Leah looked at me confused.

"Mapi is my girlfriend. Tatum knew that you and I were dating Lia. But yeah I officially came out to her recently." I could tell that Leah was a mix of surprised and annoyed.

When Lia and I were together I would avoid being all over when Tatum was around. Occasionally this upset Lia when I would snap at her to chill out. Then of course Leah came to her rescue every time.

"So what you'll just come out for Mapi, but..."

"She wasn't ready." Tatum's face furrowed as she defended me.

"I'm not out-out. I just felt that Tatum was old enough to talk about it." I shrugged in Lia's arms.

"Okay I guess that's fair, but that doesn't change my request. Come back to Arsenal Bray. You don't belong at Barcelona. The team needs their favorite American back." Lia pleaded with me and I chuckled.

"Pretty sure that's Tobin."

"Yeah Tobin's much better than you." Leah sent a smirk my way.

"I think I like London more too Bray. But you like Barcelona." Tatum gave me a questioning look. I knew she was trying to see how I felt about returning to London.

"I am in a contract and I am happy with Li-MAPI. I'm really happy with her." I shook my head at the small mistake.

"Can I have moment with you alone?" Lia stood up and I followed her outside.

"Braylee, I don't know what I have to do, but please come back to me. I love you and I miss you so fucking much. I want my little cuddler. The cute and soft American voice filling my room in the morning after she wakes up an hour later than I do.

I love you and I miss you so much."

"Lia...I don't want to hurt Mapi." I shook my head as I leaned back against the fence.

"A transfer back home is a perfect and simple reason for breaking up with her. Please Leah and I miss you." I sighed as I looked over at the pleading Swiss captain. Truthfully I missed her as well, but I did have feelings for Mapi. I didn't want to hurt her and Lia hurt me. She, if anyone, deserves a second chance though.

So maybe I should return to Arsenal?

I've only been at Barcelona for four months. Surely Mapi can't be that in love with me yet. She just barely said it. I was hesitant too and I'm quick to saying it. A little too quick, so maybe I am holding back.

"I can't hurt Mapi."

"We'll figure out a way...what if we somehow get Ingrid back to Barcelona?" She smiled at me and I shrugged. I'm not sure Mapi would take her back.

"I still love you...but I'm just not sure." I shook my head as I re-entered her place and took a seat on the couch rejoining Leah and Tatum.

What am I going to do?

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