28: Solitude

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(No one POV)

The sterile hospital room was filled with an oppressive silence that mirrored the heavy weight on Yuna's chest. Alone in the stark, white space, she sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes fixed on the floor as if searching for answers that eluded her.

The news of Seulgi's death echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain, each repetition intensifying the pain that radiated from her heart. The tears she had shed seemed to leave an invisible mark on the sterile sheets beneath her.

Her trembling hands clutched the fabric of her hospital gown, and she closed her eyes, attempting to shut out the reality that threatened to consume her. Seulgi, her girlfriend, her confidante, her anchor in the storm of life, was gone.

The room, once a sanctuary for healing, now felt like a suffocating cocoon trapping Yuna in a vortex of grief. Every corner held memories of Seulgi's laughter, her comforting presence, and the shared dreams that now lay shattered.

Yuna's fingers traced the edge of the thin blanket, her mind unable to escape the harsh truth that Seulgi was never coming back. The silence in the room was deafening, the absence of Seulgi's voice echoing louder than any sound.

A stray beam of sunlight filtered through the half-closed blinds, casting a feeble glow on the walls. Yuna's eyes followed the dancing dust particles in the light, the mundane scene offering a stark contrast to the extraordinary pain that gripped her soul.

The beeping of medical equipment in the background became a distant hum, a mere backdrop to the cacophony of emotions raging within Yuna. The room, once a haven, now felt like a prison of grief.

With a shuddering breath, Yuna whispered Seulgi's name, as if testing the waters of a reality she desperately wished were a nightmare. But the emptiness around her provided no solace, only a stark reminder of the void left in Seulgi's absence.

Time seemed to stand still, the world outside the hospital room moving on, oblivious to Yuna's pain. In that solitary moment, Yuna grappled with the enormity of loss, the waves of sorrow crashing over her like an unrelenting storm.

As the room held the echoes of a life forever changed, Yuna clung to the fragments of memories, knowing that even in the silence, Seulgi's spirit lingered, a presence that time could never erase.


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