First Time You Meet

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The dragon Smaug had just taken our home, Erebor. My father and mother and baby brother burned to death in our house. I tried so hard to reach them but I got badly burned in the process. My face scarred badly and my hair burn so I just cut it all off, down almost to my head now it spikes out. We had been traveling for many many moons. I didn't know where we were. One night I sat beside the river, quite a ways from camp looking at my reflection, my dark chocolate eyes filling with tears. I had started to sob. I suppose my anguish must have lead him to me because when I looked up there he was. The prince of Erebor. I jumped and stumbled to bow but he caught my arms. "No, no." He said. "Don't do that. You need not bow to me." I just stated at him astonished, then I remembered what I now looked like and I hid my face. "Please do not look at me." I sobbed. He pulled me into a hug. "Hey.... Shhh...." He said comforting me. "Look." He pulls off his shirt and shows me burn marks very similar to mine. "You are not the only one and you are very beautiful."


In the Blue Mountains King Thorin and Lord Dwalin were training new recruits. I wanted so badly to help fight so I went and watched for a while. Thorin and Dwalin show the recruits some techniques and we watched more. Then Dwalin turned to us. "Any one of you want to try fighting against me?" Everyone stayed silent so I stepped forward. Many of the boys snickered and yelled things like "This is not place for a girl." and "Go back to the kitchens where you belong." Dwalin frowned and looked me over before saying. "None of you BOYS would come forth. Prove them wrong lass." We fought and fought until the sun began to go down and I decided to let Dwalin win. A moment later I felt his axe press against my throat and we looked at each other for a while before he dropped the axe. I turned to leave and all the boys started laughing and calling me names. I heard Thorin bark an order telling them to shut up and it quieted down. A second later I felt the thundering footsteps from behind me as Dwalin ran to catch up with me. I turned to him and waited as he caught up. "You let me win." He stated. "Well yeah." I replied. "Can't have you loosing to a girl." He looked at me and scoffed. "Girl or not you would have won! You're amazing." I shrugged. "Skilled yeah." He shakes his head. "No. Amazing. Purely amazing."


I was tending to my green house when a knock sounded. "Come!" I yelled and I heard heavy footsteps get closer until they stopped right beside me. I looked up to see a very handsome dwarf. "Oh hello." I said and quickly got up, standing shorter than he. "Hello." He said and bowed. "My name is Kili. Are you the shop owner?" He asked politely but I could see he was in a rush. "Yes. What is it that you need Mr. Kili?" His eyes darted around at my flowers and he visibly deflated. "Do you have any irises? They're my mothers favorites and she's sick. I thought Id brighten her up but I cannot seem to find any." I nodded and told him to stay as I ran off into the back and grabbed a dozen irises of all colors, white, black, purple, blue, pink. "Here you go sir." I said and handed them to him. He smiles wide. "What is your mother sick with if I may ask?" I remember hoping I hadn't over stepped any boundaries. "She's got a fever and a bad cough." I nodded again and gathered some bear root and mint. "Have her chew this root it'll act as a pain killer and put some mint leaves in her tea it will help her cough and bring down the fever." I told him but noticed he wouldn't be able to carry it all. "Would you like me to help you carry it to your home?" I asked and he smiled. "Yes please an help prepare it. I haven't the faintest idea." We began walking to his house. "Thank you so much. By the way, what is your name?" He asked curiously.


I watched the vague shape of what I had thought was a rabbit dart along the trees. I draw back my arrow and pause squinting my eyes to try and see the rabbit clearer. I let out my breath and loose the arrow. I hear the squeal of the rabbit and I know I hit it. I hear a branch break behind me and spin around with my axe drawn. "Who's there?" I ask. The forest falls silent. "Show yourself." I hear someone sigh and step out. "I mean no harm. Just saw you hunting." A male voice says. I can see he is a little taller than me and he has long blond hair. "Who are you?" I ask as I lower my axe. He extends his hand and says, "My name is Fili. How bout you?" I have to squint to see his hand well enough to shake it and say. "I'm Y/N." I turn around and look around trying to find the rabbit I had shot a few minuets ago and I can't see it. "Oh great." I mutter. Fili comes and stands beside me. "What's wrong?" He asks and I notice his eyes are blue. I can see a little more details but not much. I feel my cheeks flush. "Any chance you can see that rabbit I shot?" I ask embarrassed. "Yeah. Why?" He asks confused. "Could you bring it to me please?" I ask feeling like crap. He nods and walks quite a bit away before coming back with the rabbit and my arrow. "Can...can you not see?" He asks confusedly and hands me my things. "I can but everything is really blurry. I honestly don't even know what you look like. Just that you have blond hair and blue eyes." I tell him. "I know someone who can make you some glasses to help you see, if you want." I wait a second to see if he is joking and I realize he's telling the truth. "Really?" I ask excitedly. "Yeah!" He says with a laugh and grabs my hand leading me through the Forrest back to town. "Come on!" I follow and I remember that I don't have any idea what he looks like. "Uh, Fili?" I ask and stop walking making him stop. "Can I see what you look like?" I ask nervously. His head tilts like he's confused and I hurry to explain. "I have to get close up to see details.....and I need to know what you look like." I tell him. "Alright. Yeah. What do I have to do?" He asks. "Just stay still please." I walk over to him and stand where there's an inch between us. The first thing I notice is he has beautiful eyes that are a mixture between blue, green, and silver. Next I notice he is really very handsome and I feel my cheeks flush. His hair is pulled back in a ponytail with a long braid framing each side of his face. He has a neat and close cut beard an his mustache is braided with metal ends. I stand on my tip toes to get a closer look at the details of the metal and gently run my fingers along his cheek. Then I realize what I am doing and blush bright red and step away from him. The details in his face blur and once again I cannot see how handsome he his. "Thank you." I whisper, a bit embarrassed. He grabs my had again. "Come on. Lets get you some glasses so you can see."

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