There Is One I Could Call King And Queen

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A scream echos in the distance and I bolt awake with my dagger in hand before realizing what it was.

Bilbo looks over to Fili and Kili who are on watch. "What was that?"

"Orcs." Kili tells him.

"Orcs?" Bilbo asks as he moves closer to the group.

At the mention of orcs Thorin wakes up and looks around. "They're off in the distance." I whisper to him.

"Throat cutters." Fili explains to Bilbo. "There are dozens of them out there. The low lands are crawling with them."

"They strike in the wee hours of the night when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet. No screams just lots of blood." Kili says then when he sees Bilbo's fear he and Fili giggle.

"Boys!" I snap at them.

"You think that's funny?" Thorin asks them as he gets up. "You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?"

"We didn't mean anything by it." Kili says knowing they're in trouble.

"No you didn't. You know nothing of the world." Thorin growls before walking off to where he can be alone. He does that a lot now a days.

"Death is not something to joke about." I tell them before I walk over and sit beside Thorin and twine our fingers together offering him some comfort.

"Don't mind them laddie." Balin tells the boys. "Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs."

Balin begins he story. "After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got their first."

All those among us who were at that very battle remember it well. We were out numbered 100 to 1. But as dwarves we are stubborn and will never back down from a fight. Thorin, Dwalin, Balin, and I stood back to back as we fought the orcs.

"Moria had been taken by legions of orcs led by the most vile of all their race. Azog the Defiler the giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin."

I clinch my hands into fists as I remember helplessly watching King Thror my grandfather in law face the pale Orc.

Balin's voice wavers as he remembers. "He began by beheading the King."

I can still see it before my eyes. Azog throwing Thror's head like waste. I can still hear Thorin's anguished scream. But I could not help him face the Pale Orc as my youngest sister was ripped apart by the defiler's son Tazolg. I cut that filthy orcs head off and by the time I caught sight of Thorin again......

"Thrain Thorin's father was driven mad by grief he went missing, taken prisoner or killed we do not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us. That is when I saw him. A young dwarf prince facing down the pale Orc. He stood alone against this terrible foe. His armor went, wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog the Defiler learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken. He rallied our forces and together our enemy had been defeated."

"What of Y/N?" Kili asks.

Balin looks over to me and I nod telling him it is alright. "She and Thorin had only been married a year when the dragon took the mountain. Her father mother and older sister had been killed in the attack. Only She and her youngest sister, Talia, survived. Talia was a kind Dwarven maiden and soon after she and Dwalin were married."

Dwalin takes over the story now. " in the battle for Moria Talia and I were seperated and she..... She was killed by Azog's youngest son Tazolg. Y/N decapitated the filth and then she and Thorin together rallied our forces and drive back the enemy."

"But there was no feast nor song that night." Balin tells. "For our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived and I thought to myself then there are two who I could follow. There is one I could call King,"

"And Queen." Balin and Dwalin say at the same time.

When Thorin and I turn around we see every single one of the dwarves, the hobbit, and Gandalf standing and watching us with renewed respect.

"And the pale Orc?" Bilbo asks. "What happened to him?"

Thorin looks over at the hobbit. " he slink back into the hole of whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago." Then stalks back over to our sleeping palets.

Balin, Gandalf, and I all exchange a look before it quiets down again and most everyone goes back to sleep.

I go to lay down but feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking up I see that it is Dwalin. He nods off into the forest and I nod. We should talk.

He leads me a little ways away from the camp where we can talk in private and we each sit on a large boulder.

"How have you been?" I ask him.

He offers a small smile. "It has been hard without Talia but I am fine."

"And how is Groul?" I ask curious to know of my nephew

This time Dwalin really smiles. "He is growing into a mighty strong dwarf. He has her hair color. Her smile. He is so much like her. Actually he's quite angry that he couldn't join this company."

I smile. "Maybe when he's older."

Dwalin nods. "Indeed." The his expression becomes serious. "Why are you not at home with Thora?" He asks. Thora being Thorin and my daughter.

"I couldn't let Thorin come alone. Sometimes he is reckless and I must protect him. As well as Fili and Kili. Thora is with Dìs."

"Don't you know you could be killed?" Dwalin ask.

"I know that just as well as everyone on this quest. Thorin's eyes are set on reclaiming the mountain and while I too desire my home, my eyes are set on protecting my family." I tell him.

"What about Thora?" He asks.

"What about Groul?" I counter. He sighs knowing there is no way he can talk me out of this. "My family matters more than any piece of rock. And I will get everyone through this quest alive."

He sighs then smiles. "And I will help in any way I can."

I clap his shoulder. "I know you will. Now come on. We need rest. We have a long journey ahead of us."

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