Thorin X Tarah

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"Wake up! Get dressed we leave in one hour!" The guard yells into the night.

I bolt awake. "What's going on?" I ask over the noise of everyone readying for battle.

The guard looks over at me. "Dragon attack in Erebor."

My stomach drops and I hurry to dress, put on armor, grab weapons, and fall into rank.

The march to Erebor was quick, about 3 hours at a run which for us was easy. Elves can run all day without tiring out. Yet something has been bothering me the entire run.

The sight we see when we arrive brings sorrow to my heart. Dwarves running out of the mountain, some on fire, some so badly hurt they have to be carried out and those are the lucky ones.

The young Prince helps others out of the mountain while the King and older Prince lead their people away from their burning home.

Finally as king Thranduil turns away I realize what has been bothering me. He isn't wearing his battle crown. Which means he didn't have any intention of fighting.

I feel my anger rise and I decide to help the dwarves. Even if Thranduil will not. I push my way past the front of the elves and plant my feet in front of Thranduil forcing him to stop.

"What are you doing Tarah?" He asks.

"They need our help." I tell him. He just scoffs and moves his elk to walk around me. I side step into his path again. "You didn't come to offer assistance. You didn't come to fight you came to watch and gloat!"

He frowns looking quite fierce. "How dare you talk to your king that way."

I turn and walk down the hill towards the dwarves and cal back to Thranduil. "You are no king!"

"Tarah hence forth from this day on, you are banished from the woodland relm." Thranduil tells me before turning the army around and going back ho- to the woodland relm.

I run the rest of the way down the hill and go to Prince Thorin who had originally asked for help. He frowns at me. "Prince Thorin," I say and bow. "I would like to offer my assistance in any way that I can help."

He looks me over before nodding. "I saw you yelling at that bastard king. You are welcome here. What is your name?" He asks as we help people out through the rebel.

"My name is Tarah." I tell him.

-Six Months Later-

The dwarves were divided on how they feel of me. Half like and accept me since I left my home to help them and half still hate and distrust me so they ignore me.

Freren Thrain and Thror were all killed in the battle for Moria. So very many were killed. Since we've settled in the Erid Luin and the dwarves here definitely do not like my presence. Very few remain who trust or just plain tolerate me.

I stay close to Thorin, Dís , Balin, and Dwalin. They are about all who trust me anymore. I work for Thorin now as he has taken a leadership roll over all of Erid Luin. And last night I may have made a terrible mistake as Thorin has ignored me since.

-Last Night-

I walk into the throne room to find Thorin asleep at his desk. I smile and shake my head. He works too much.

I lightly shake his shoulder. "Thorin, wake up."

He groans. "Five more minutes, Tarah." I poke him in the side and he squeals and jumps instantly away and a bit pissed off. "That's cheatin." He tells me grumpily.

"Come on. You need to go to your bed to sleep."

He nods tiredly and I walk him to his home. He leans on me heavily and I know he won't make It to his bed without some help. One we reach his house I guide him upstairs to his room and before I can help him to bed he stops and looks up at me for a few moments.

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