Chapter 14

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Kenzo Joy Trinidad's POV.

"Let go, Kenzo! I'm going to missed my flight!"

All of our relatives, even my mom, tried to pulled me away from her. I didn't want to let her go. I didn't want her to leave me here alone again. So I hold her tight.

But it's five against one.

And soon, in the arms of my uncle, I just saw her leave in a cab without looking back at me.

"Mama!" I shouted as tears continue to flow from my cheeks.

That's the first time I got separated from my mom ever since my dad died. Money was tight and we're being chased by our debtors back in America, that's why my mom decided to send me here in China temporarily until our problem's solved, this is where my mom's relatives lived. Then she go back to the Philippines to get her job back as an actress.

"Let's go inside?" Grandma said while gently rubbing my shoulders.

I sniffed and wiped my tears with the sleeves of my shirt. I looked up to where the cab goes, hoping my mom would go back but it didn't.

I looked at my grandma who is patiently waiting for me to be okay. I nodded and we both go inside her house.

So, I guess this will be my home from now on.

Life in China was tough but bearable. It's different from the way I used to lived in America. For instance, instead of using spoon and fork, we used chopsticks in most of the dishes. Also, we eat a lot of rice unlike in America where it's not common to eat rice daily. In terms of language, I have to learn how to speak and write in Chinese to fit in since I already go to school here and most people aren't that fluent in english.

"Wǒ gěi nǐ zhǔnbèi wǔcānle, wǒ de sūnzi. Quánbù chī diào hǎo ma?" My grandma reminded to eat my lunch and gave me my school lunch for today.

"Hǎo de! Xièxiè nǐ, grandma!" I said and kissed her on her right cheek before heading out.

I also started school here. It's a lot of adjustments from the environment to the people to the teachings. I didn't made any friends because I was a shy kid. And the only company I had was my grandma. She's strict but she's the only person that genuinely cared for me that time, even my own mother started to drift away from me, ever since she got her job in the Philippines, she's not as famous as before so she also took multiple sideline jobs. We still communicate every once in a week though, but it's not the same.

Unfortunately, my grandma died when I was in 5th grade.

"Can I live in the Philippines with you?" I asked my mom when she's already packing her stuff after grandma's funeral.

But since my mom doesn't make enough money and doesn't own her own house in the Philippines. I still have to stay here with our relatives.

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