When it all ended

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Over the years Levi and I grew close. He helped me and my little brother so much. Eren had so much drive because of him and even became the captain of the football team when he hit high school.

It was a Friday night, and I had gotten home a little later then usual because I was studying with my best friend Sky. We had a huge exam that Monday before Christmas break of Senior Year so we were trying to get ourselves together. Levi had graduated and now was attending Shiganshina University. The college was close, which meant he didn't have to live on campus to attend.

Sky dropped me off at the house, leaving with a wave over her shoulder as I stared the wide open door in the face. My gut sank, and that lump in my throat returned. I quickly ran into the house immediately met by shouting and slamming coming from the attic. Something felt different this time, and that scared the shit out of me.

I ran up the stairs moving as fast as my legs would take me. The door to the attic was always hard to open, so with the hard force of my body, I popped it open.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." My brother repeated over and over again as he stood with his hands on his head. His body locked in a frantic pacing movement.

Levi... it was Levi. My father had a gun in his left hand and his other fist was bawled up. Levi had him pinned to the wall. If looks could kill, he'd be dead. I had never seen Levi filled with so much hatred in my entire life.

"Eren take your sister and get the fuck out of here." He growled as my dad tried to break free of his grip. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Okay." Eren's voice was shaky, but he moved quickly. I couldn't make sense of what was happening. I just froze. The boy I loved was fighting my father. The boy who took care of me and my brother. The boy who gave us hope. My entire body was filled with fear as I woke up to reality. One of them was going to fucking die in there. And with my luck it would be Levi.

I panicked ripping my arm out of Eren's grip as I bolted for the house. "Fuck! Y/n come back! It's not safe."  My feet never landed on a step as I flew up the stairs. It was the fastest I had ever run in my life.  The faint sound of struggling finally stopped as I reached the room.

Levi stood over my father's unconscious body, breathing heavily as he looked down at the man who had instilled so much pain in my family. His eyes were dead, and fresh blood trickled from a fresh wound on his cheek.

A cry left my mouth. It was him, he was okay.

"Y/n..." He turned around dropping the gun my father previously had.

"It's okay. I knocked him out. It's okay. It's okay." That was all he repeated as I ran into his arms. His hand caressed my hair. I cried. I cried so hard as he held me. Eren soon found his way back into the room. His eyes were full of relief. They glowed as he looked at Levi.

He was the only thing on my mind. Him and the fact he had to fight my father. The fact that this was a cycle that would never end. Although it was nice to have someone care for us, he would always be in danger as long as my father lived.

I wiped my face as I pulled out of his grip. His eyes were gentle as he looked at me, but his exterior was still cold. The gash on his cheek still loosely dripping blood.

"Levi... I've always been scared of this..." I said barely above a whisper.

"What?" He looked around the room in disbelief. "Me?"

"No never. Not you! You're the only thing that makes me feel fucking safe." My voice broke as I watched his face twist in pain. His eyes watered as he took in everything going on.

"I've always been afraid of you fighting my father. Of him getting ahold of you." I wiped a tear from my eye before it could escape.

"Obviously that's not an issue." He pointed to the unconscious figure behind him.

"That's not the point..." I avoided his cold gaze.

"Then what is?" He was yelling.

"You could have gotten hurt Levi!" I shouted pointing to the revolver Levi had taken from my father.

"I can fucking take care of myself, unlike you Y/n." He stepped closer to me before making a break for the door. He was mad.

"I didn't fucking ask you to take care of me Levi."

"You know what? You're right. I should have fucking stayed to myself instead of trying to keep you two alive right? My bad for giving a shit when nobody else would." He stormed down the stairs slamming the front door behind him.

My heart fucking stung as is sat emptily in my chest. I ran for the door, swinging it open as he walked back to his house.

"Don't fucking come back." Tears stung my eyes as I watched him cross the property line.

"Hope your old man doesn't fucking kill you." He shot a bird before slamming his front door.

And that hope, it was gone.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now