Losing time.

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The meeting has been going well so far, the only thing the slightest bit suspicious was the fact that only a few of Tybur's men were present. But I only had a few of my men with me so I didn't think much of it.

"It wasn't about you Levi." He spoke in between sipping on whiskey.

"It wasn't about that little woman of yours. Grisha crossed me a long time ago. We went into this business together and he crossed me trying to take credit for it. The drug business I mean."

I sipped my whiskey playing stupid as I stayed quiet. A blank expression. He raised one eyebrow looking me up and down with a crooked smile.

"Oh come on now. I know you're not stupid. I know you know what goes on in the tunnels underneath this hotel."

"It would be a surprise if there was anyone who didn't know."

"You and you're little slut we're just the perfect opportunity to reel him in. And of course he took the bait like a stupid fish. And now we're here."

I felt my blood boil at the revolting names he called her. The more he talked, the more i wanted to kick his fucking windpipe in until he gargled on his own blood to death. I wiped the vision out of my mind tuning back into the conversation.

"That does mean, however, that now you owe me." He lifted his glass at one of his men, signaling for a refill. The man moved swiftly.

"Like hell I do. You didn't do shit for me. I could've protected her on my own. You did that for your own benefit." I sat up further in my chair leaning on my knees. He was playing a game. He always was.

"Oh yeah? Then where is she now Levi? Where's that precious slut of yours now?"

His smile... The alcohol... my mind... my heart.


What the hell? My mind was hazy as I woke up. I forgot that I had fallen asleep in Levi's bed. I remember watching him get ready before dozing off. I also remember he woke me up briefly before he left to tell me that he left Jean on guard.


What? What is that? I peeled myself out of bed tip toeing to the door. The thudding was just on the other side. I carefully leaned towards the peep hole trying to get a look at what was going on. A bad feeling crept up my spine and sat uncomfortably in my gut.

Black. It's black. I can't see anything. A barrel? A BARREL. I ducked below the peep hole just fast enough before gun fire filled the room. My heart raced and my hands shook. The pounding at the door only grew louder as my muffled hearing came back.

Someone was kicking it in.

I quickly ran to the table, smashing the vase of flowers on the floor to pick up a shard of glass. The pounding continued followed by more gunfire. The handle. The handle was gone. Blown off and men soon began to fill the room.

The tallest one was the one in front and he was quick to grab me. My legs squirmed and arms flailed before i finally stuck the glass shard into his neck. I twisted it trying to do as much damage as possible with what little I had. He dropped me falling to the floor as he held his neck. There were only three more. I could take 'em.

I wiped his blood on my pants and fixed my grip on the glass before someone else could grab me. He kicked. And he kicked me right in the fucking stomach before slapping me across the face. My back hit the wall sending a sharp shock through my body, and my hand dropped the glass. The other two had their guns pointed at me threatening me not to do anything stupid as the one who kicked me had me pinned.

The man put his hand over my mouth when I tried to scream, which gave me the advantage to bite him.

"Shit. Shoot her. Idc what the orders were fucking shoot her."

"We can't. He'll kill is sir."

I swallowed as his hand moved back over my mouth.  A cuss word left his dirty mouth. I screamed. I cried. I needed him. I needed Levi. I yelled. I yelled for him.

I yelled his name. Over and over.

"He's not coming you little bitch. You're our fun now. Aren't you so glad you knew him?" I bit him again before feeling his hand move to my neck.






Gunfire. Gunfire floods my senses before i'm dropped again. Warm. It's warm. A warm bath? Am I in a bath?

My head throbbed and my vision was blurred. My hearing shot. I must be in the bath. Underwater.

Levi. Levi is here and he's talking but just can't hear him? Why can't I hear him? I'm underwater?

He's covered in blood and his hair is messy. He lost the jacket to his suit and his white shirt wasn't white anymore. He's shaking. My levi. He's so pretty. I'm so warm.
My feet couldn't move fast enough. Tybur was able to get out before I could get to him. But my men killed every single one of his so I could get a head start to Y/n. Oh Y/n. Please be okay. How could i not see this coming.

Stay focused Levi. You need to fight.

My room was in sight and Jean was unconscious on the floor. A bullet would in his shoulder. Fuck. For fucks sake.

The door was shot in and only one of the four men present was on the floor, presumably dead.

I didn't think. I just shot. I shot and shot until alls I saw was there limp bodies still be pumped full of lead. Y/n. My Y/n. He had her by the throat and she was blue. She was not moving.

My hands shook no matter how hard I tried to make them stop as I knelt down by her fading body. Her eyes were open and she watched me.

Her mouth moved but nothing came out.

"No baby don't talk. Don't try to talk it's okay. It's okay I'm here." I need to get ahold of myself but i've never been so close to losing her before. I've never been so close to having nothing. I can't and I won't lose her.

"Someone call me a fucking ambulance! Hurry up!" I screamed feeling my voice break.

"Yessir. I'm on it right now!" Armin called back to me already dialing the number. He was always in close range and got things done professionally.

I gently touched Y/n, trying to keep her eyes open and on me. I needed to assess her injuries. Her one hand was all gashed up from something. Looks like the piece of glass she had used to kill that one guy.

Her ears were bleeding and her lip was split. They hurt her. They hurt her and I couldn't do anything about it. They deserved to be fucking tortured.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now