Hard feelings

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Her beautiful hair sprawled out on my pillow, she was fast asleep. Today had been hectic. I had Smith Agencies put up cameras around Eren and Sky's place just to be sure. Y/n's 20 questions had never fucking ended which in turn had me questioning shit. I never questioned shit especially my shit.

I ran my hand through my hair just thinking. My mind was an absolute fuck fest of a mess.

I needed a shower. I went into the bathroom in my living room and started the shower. I used this one most of the time because I either didn't want to wake Y/n or she was already occupying mine.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the hot water. The hot water caressed my skin, and yet again the only thing on my mind was her body.

She used my shower, I thought of her body in the shower. Her glistening skin and wet hair. Fuck. I was getting hard just thinking about her, which is exactly why I was avoiding her.

I wasn't trying to be rude about it, I was trying to control myself... Not that I cared about being rude in the first place. I needed to control myself. Because the reality of the situation was that we'd never work together. But my mind wanted other things, and so did my body and my heart.

My shower was quick, and I was tired. I quickly and quietly moved into my bedroom, grabbing a pair of pants and boxers. I quickly threw them on before walking back out to the living room.

The draft was cold, but I covered myself in a blanket as I sprawled out on the couch. My eyes were so heavy. I was so tired but my mind wouldn't rest.

"Levi." Her voice filled the room.

I sat up looking for the beautiful source, but she was still in my bed. A chill ran up my spine. What the actual fuck?

I quietly threw the blanket off of me and got off the couch. My mind was playing tricks on me.

I crept into my room, Y/n was still in the same position she had been in. Her hair still sprawled out on my pillow as she was curled up in a ball. I'd never get used to sleeping in my bed after she had been in it.

I'm definitely spoiled by those satin sheets compared to the damn couch.

I crept over wiggling her a bit, out cold. So yeah I was going fucking crazy. I sat on the edge of my bed looking out over the big city. It was so beautiful and lit up at night. One of the best parts about living here.

I sighed letting out a deep breath.

Everything in me wanted to just lay down and go to sleep, with her. What about morals? What about boundaries? Avoiding feelings so everything can go back to normal? We hated each other right? My mind raced and pounded. Real fucking smart Levi.  You wanna go cuddle with someone you hate?

I pushed everything to the back of my mind, too tired to think anymore. Fuck it.

I got off the bed opening the covers on my side, she stayed asleep as I crawled in. She was so warm and soft. I slowly and carefully scooted into her and let my arm drape over her hip. The smell of her shampoo caught my senses. It was so nice. Her body against mine was the best feeling in the world. Just holding her. I just wanted to hold her.

Even if it was just for one night.


Levi Fucking Ackerman was asleep next to me. No, more like on me. I kept repeating those words in my head as I stared in awe at his unconscious figure. He looked so freaking peaceful, it was astonishing. The little wrinkle by his eyebrows that appeared when he was angry or just looked stern was still there though.

The sun shined through the big windows of his bedroom, giving his face the prettiest glow. He was so handsome, i was losing my mind.

He was so beautiful, I just wanted to kiss him. So I did. His lips were soft and parted as he slept, I kissed him gently and to my surprise his eyes opened.

"Oh shit, sorry. Good morning." I pulled back, lying back down on the pillow. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. Fucking embarrassing Y/n.

"It's okay. I'm a light sleeper." He responded.

"You're sleeping with me?" I gestured to his half naked body draped over mine. He sighed.

"Well you seemed to complain about the fact that I still slept on the couch, besides I just wanted to sleep in my satin sheets." He looked me up and down taking in my figure. I turned to face him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. The question looked like it stunned him.

"I'm alright. My brain was just a mess last night. I couldn't sleep so I just came in here." He pulled his arm away from me sitting up. His hair was sticking up in the cutest way.

"What's bothering you?" I asked sitting up with him, he just turned to look at me.


"No of course not." His face changed and sympathy played its part. He ran his hand through his hair.

"I just don't know if keeping you close will put you in more danger. They're going after Eren now. I don't know if I should keep you close or push you away." He stared at the wall in front of us.

"Keep me close." I grabbed his hand interlocking our fingers, his stare left the wall. An unreadable expression on his face.

"Y/n we can't do this." He whispered pulling me onto his lap. The whisper was almost a growl as he warned me.

"I know." I whispered back before he pulled me in, kissing me as I straddled him. His hands squeezed my ass. His eyes hooded with desire just like they did on that night. His hands were hot and his lips parted as he looked up at me. He wanted to devour me.

"That's why it feels so good." I whispered again feeling his hands trace my body. He groaned as I began grinding against already hard cock. Oh my god I wanted him so bad. I wanted to feel him since the last time he was in me.

"Y/n..." He groaned. "We can't." He pulled away holding my hips still in a firm grab.

"Why not?!" I was beginning to get angry. Why was he always so resistant towards me.

"Because i don't know if i'll ever be able to let go of you." His eyes were a kind of broken that I had never seen before.

"Why are you trying so hard to not love me Levi? Do you really think i'm that shitty of a person?"

"No you're an amazing person. I love everything about you. I always have but the life I live is dangerous."

"I don't fucking care. Isn't it so obvious. I don't fucking care. I never have Levi. I have loved you for the longest time even when I tried to convince myself you were a selfish asshole and that I hated you." I got up off of him leaving him hopping off the bed after me.

"Y/n come back here. It's not that I don't want to love you. I know you don't care but I do. I care so much about the way you live because of how you grew up." His hands reached out to me. I just wanted his touch.

"Y/n look at me." I looked up letting him touch my hips. I let him hold me.

"I will never let you live like that again. I will never ever let you live through that kind of danger." His eyes settled on mine, they darted back and forth.

"So if I can help it and control it then i'm going to." He pulled me in for a hug, his arms wrapped so tightly around me. He was trying to protect me.

"Levi..." My voice broke. I felt his hand move to my head and hold it to his chest.

"Please don't push me away. This is all i've ever wanted." I hugged him back finally he held me as I choked back my tears.

"I don't think pushing you away is an option anymore. I don't think it ever was. I've never been able to push you away, at least not permanently. I think we were always meant to be in each other's lives we just didn't know how yet. Like we were drawn by fate."

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now