Not so great first date

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Y/n's slender body fit perfectly into the purple dress. She looks so beautiful. I stood in the door way of my bathroom buttoning my shirt. She applied her cherry red lip stick, puckering her lips at herself in the mirror. I admired her hoping she wouldn't notice. These were the moments I lived for.

I don't know the logic behind the compelling feeling that made me ask her to dinner. I just know it happened because I wanted it to.

She turned around puckering her lips at me. She stuck her hip out putting her hands on them. She was so sassy but looked so stunning.

"How do I look?" Her hair hung over her shoulders in loose curls. She was astonishing.

"Breathtaking." I rolled up the other cuff of my sleeve before moving my hands to her hips.

"So beautiful Y/n."I kissed her forehead as she leaned into me. I wanted to dance with her. I wanted to do everything with her.

"You ready?" I questioned. She picked her head up off my chest placing a huge wet kiss to my cheek before nodding and running out of the bathroom.

I was left with my reflection and a huge red lipstick mark on my cheek. Great. I couldn't help but smile.

We stepped into the diner of one of the high class hotels I owned. The most popular in the city. Elegant dressed women and well dressed gentlemen littered the dining room. The view was breathtaking. I hoped with everytbing in me that Y/n would enjoy this.

She picked a booth next to the window, wanting to look down over the city. I held her hand as we waltzed to the booth. Everyone's eyes turned to us, rest assured that they were on her. She was just too pretty to not lose focus and immediately fall into a trance on her figure and her pretty little face.

I let go of her hand letting her sit. I looked around the room, adjusting my tie before I sat as well.

Y/n looked like she was on cloud nine. One of my favorite ways to see her. Especially knowing I had put that feeling there. Her skin was glowing, her eyes twinkling, and her smile beaming up at me.

"What can I get you guys started with today? Drinks? Appetizers?" One of my waiters Nicolo asked.

"Fried calamari for an appetizer please and-" I shut up watching the disgusted look brush across Y/n's face. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want princess?" I practically spat the last word and a bratty little smile moved across her face. I wanted to fuck it off of her.

"Maybe some onion rings and cheese sticks??" She smiled up at the waiter who looked at me for approval. I just nodded as I scrolled through the menu. I ordered a tea and Y/n ordered a lemonade to drink.

"Well I'll be damned. A new toy." A tall man with long blonde hair slid into the booth next to Y/n. She climbed the wall jumping out of her skin. Willy. Fucking. Tybur.

"Ahem, William. My toy. Not yours so hands off." I growled folding the menu back up. I was trying to stay calm.

"Oh come on Levi, since when have you had a toy all to yourself." His arm moved around Y/n's shoulder as he pulled her in close. She whimpered from the force he used to pull her against his body. He was hurting her. He was fucking touching my Y/n.

"Do you not fucking understand hands off?" I got up pulling him out of the seat by the collar of his suit. Two of my security guards ran over, aiding me. Y/n sat down in the seat still baffled as she clung to the wall. My poor girl.

"Woah chill. Since when does Mr. Ackerman lose his cool over a girl?"

"When you push my fucking buttons and touch my toy." I spat in his face.

"Mr. Ackerman. You're making a scene. It's more than likely some of his men are here." Reiner Braun, one of my security hires spoke up, gesturing to the watching eyes in the diner. Fuck.

"How did this piece of shit get in here?" I questioned my men.

"I believe he bribed someone sir." Jean Kirstein my other security hire moved to Y/n gently taking her arm as he escorted her out of the building.

"Find that piece of shit that he bribed and fire him immediately." I ordered and Reiner nodded as he followed closely after them on my command. I unhanded the swine, throwing him back into the booth.

"We can talk like civil beings or I can cut your fucking tongue out and pumble you." I spat picking up my knife. The waiter didn't bother to come back.

"Jeez Levi, every-time we have an encounter I think and hope to myself you won't bark as much as usual." He leaned back in the booth taking a huge swig of Y/n's lemonade. I wanted to gut him like a fucking fish right here and now.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt her. But i can't promise that other people won't." He chuckled.

"Tell me what that fucking bitch Grisha wants before I end your life."

"Maybe cut back on the threats a little yeah? They don't look too good coming out of your mouth."

I slammed my knife down on the table causing Tybur to jump. The entire restaurant was looking at us.

"Jeez okay man." His face was red and he leaned closer to me over the table.

"Look i don't know why but he wants them dead. Her and little Yeager. Says they were a mistake and that they fucked up his life. Said they won't stop until he's in jail so he wants them dead."

"They never gave a shit about him. They want nothing to do with that sorry excuse of a human."

"Beats me man."

"And you've been helping him." I picked up the knife.

"No I just got him a special spot in my team where he could get the resources he needed." He smiled.

"I will only warn you once before I kill you and your entire squad. Stay the fuck away from Eren and Y/n. This is your warning." I stood adjusting my tie again.

He gave me a salute making a forced serious face. I wanted to punch his smug face until my hand went numb and he was unrecognizable. I met Nicolo at the entrance shoving a $20 in his hands for the drinks and appetizers. I just needed to get to Y/n.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now