The lot

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That was one hell of a first day. But despite who I was now working for, it was the best first day I had in a long time.

Levi personally took me home and made sure to explain all of the rules that came with being an employee of his dear precious company.

Despite the small nit picking and stupid outrageous orders we actually got along not too badly.

Levi sent me home with his fancy expensive designer coat lined with silk on the inside. It was so cozy, and to my liking, it was big on me. He insisted that I keep it and scolded me about the "proper things to wear for cold weather."

When I thought about it, I just wanted to giggle and kick my feet like the lovesick, touch starved teenager I once was around him. But things have changed since then. I was now 27 and he was now 30. We had both matured and our views of each other had changed. Or so it seems they have.

It felt so nice to be home. I felt like I was keeping up some sort of fucking wall all day. I was exhausted and hungry.

Assface: Have you eaten yet?
As if on cue my beautiful new boss texted me about eating.

Me: No. I'm about to. Don't worry i'll see you tomorrow.

Assface: K

Night grew into day way too quickly. Levi had surprised me when he himself showed up at my apartment 15 minutes early merely because he was bored.

He sipped on his normal morning tea order he placed when he would come to the cafe I worked at as I answered the door in my "Slow Mo" Sloth PJ's.

"I wasn't expecting you." I wiped my eye leaving the door open for him to invite himself in. He stepped into my small apartment making the small space feel even stuffier than usual.

"I want to take you somewhere." He said coldly as he stared at the bookshelf in my tiny living room filled with old rom coms and romance books.

I quickly threw on another skirt, this one plaid with a black body suit to accompany it. Usual stockings and leg warmers followed by my boss's fancy coat.

His scent still lingered freshly on the expensive fabric.

I quickly and sloppily threw on some mascara and a bold red lip as usual. My hair looked abnormally decent for having just rolled out of bed, so we were gonna roll with it.

"That was quick."

I smiled. "Let's go."

We stood on an empty lot full of snow. Not a parking lot, just a huge slot of land.

"What is this?" I questioned making footprints in the snow.

He let out a puff of cigarette smoke as he puffed on his cancer stick.

"I want to build something here... a house." He stared waiting for my approval as he took another drag. His nose was the cutest slight shade of red because of the cold weather.

"I think it's a good idea?" I smiled in question as I stood looking around the area. It was a pretty area just outside of the city.

He nodded breaking eye contact as his fancy shoe kicked at a mound of snow. He threw his cigarette on the ground before letting me back into the car. And we were off to work.

"Your card came in." He reached into his jacket pocket fishing out my ID entry card to the building.

"Thank you!!" I beamed down at the semi-okay portrait of myself and the words Ackerman Corporations Employee in big bold letters. All of my information was on the card along with a barcode that I had to scan at the entrance to get in.

"You'll be payed every two weeks based on hours." He added in giving me a nod. He easily turned into the parking garage. He looked so good even when he drove.

We finally arrived and my keycard let me in smoothly. It was nice. It almost felt like being home to be an employee of his company. Not that any home I've ever had was welcoming.

"I'll need you to get started on those papers right away." He spoke as we headed towards our offices. I trailed behind him trying to quickly keep up.

"I have a meeting I want you to attend with me and take notes. And this time when I tell you to get us lunch. I mean it." He looked back giving me a warning look. Everything in me wanted to push his buttons so bad. But I wouldn't.

I also have an interview later, Eren's little girlfriend needs a job.

"Sky??" I questioned feeling adrenaline spike in my system.

"Yes but that doesn't give you an excuse to not do your job. I need another secretary anyways so I think she'll fill the role perfectly." He stated as his receptionist handed him a brand new pile of papers.

"I have to make sure to keep Eren on task as well with her being here. But I'm sure he won't have a problem." I scoffed as he looked me up and down. My childhood best friend was now dating my brother. And I LOVED IT! The chances of them working out and getting married were high. As for if that does happen, SHED BE MY SISTER IN LAW.

I squealed as I followed Levi into his office. He handed me the previous stack of papers as he handled the fresh ones.

Lunch rolled around in no time and I decided on some cafe lunch from the downtown cafe I used to work at. It would give me an excuse to see my old work friends anyways.

I quickly returned with the lunch in hand. Little ham and cheese sliders with his daily tea and I got myself a hot cocoa.

"You get yourself a lunch?" He asked reaching his hand out for the bag.

"I did." I smiled.

"Good. I didn't know if i was gonna have to punish my new employee already." His face stayed blank as he spoke of this "punishment" which was even creepier than the line itself.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now