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"Levi... we have reason to believe it's someone she knows that's targeting her." Erwin sipped his bourbon.

I listened trying not to get angry.

"We set up cameras, another box was left. This one full of dead rats." He set the glass down straightening in his chair.

"Someone she knows? She's not close with many people." I pulled out a piece of paper and a pen to jot down potential suspects.

"Perhaps her previous work partners. Maybe an ex of some sort?" Erwin questioned.

I nodded jotting down her previous work associates.

Potential Suspects:
Floch Forster
Porco Galliard

"Put her dad on the list." Erwin said suddenly making me almost choke on fucking air.

"Her dad passed away." I said coldly and bluntly.

"Or that's what he wants us to think."

"My team worked on his corpse."

"Or you have a NARC Levi." His words hit like daggers, and for the first time in a while I felt my chest tighten in a panic.

As much as I hated it. He was right.

Potential Suspects:
Floch Forster
Porco Galliard
Grisha Yeager

"I need you to run a back ground check on my team, get me your best private investigator." Erwin pulled out a note pad jotting down the words I was spewing.

"I'll also need a back ground check on her previous work associates." I spoke, he noted.

"And get me everything you can on Grisha Yeager ASAP." He nodded finishing his cup of bourbon.

"I'll contact you within the next 24-48 hours with the information you need." He stood as I did.

"I'll try to talk to Y/n as well." I looked towards the small girl still admiring the pretty present I left on her desk.

"You're going to great lengths to protect this girl."

"She's special." I shook his hand breaking my stare to see him out of my office, he smiled. 

I stood in the door way of her office leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed just admiring her until she noticed me. Her eyes peered up at me, a huge grin plastered across her face and smeared mascara under her eyes.

"Did you do this?" She questioned holding up her golden book.

"Well I figured it was a nicer gift than a box of hands." I grinned unfolding my arms as I stepped into her office.

She had turned it into a nice little space. I added a book shelf for her so she could put some books in her office. Pictures of sunflowers and roses littered the bare spaces.

It was cute and fit her.

"I love it Levi. Where'd you even find it." She admired the book again.

"I have my ways." I smiled. Her eyes were a twinkling e/c color. The prettiest color I had ever seen.

Her cheeks rosy red as she looked up at me. An adoring look sculpted on her face. She was adorable.

"Can I hug you?" She asked suddenly.

"No." My grin faded and I crossed my arms again.

"Pleaseeee" She pleaded moving closer to me, pulling on the sleeve of my forearm.

"Fine." I unfolded my arms and she immediately jumped in, wrapping her arms around my body as her head rested on my torso.

"You don't know what that means to me. That book got me through so much." She paused peering up at me. I looked down at her finally wrapping my arms around her small frame-built shoulders.

"So have you." She whispered.

"Shhh" I shushed her kissing the tip of her nose before we pulled apart. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know why I acted like that or why I was now all of a sudden attempting to pretend to hate her.

I fucked her, she works for me, and I protect her. That's all. But was it? If that was all then why is my heart fucking screaming at me. Begging to be near her.
Begging me to inhale her.
She was like the fucking nicotine from my cigarettes.

"Excuse me Mr. Ackerman." Petra my secretary stood behind me. I let my eyes linger on Y/n before acknowledging the small red head.

"Can we talk?" She asked nodding to my office. I nodded patting Y/n on the shoulder as I left.

"We've discovered the identities of the people that the hands belong to." She started as she sat down in my chair.

"Alright let's hear it." I sat down pulling out my note pad again.

"Rebbecca Santos, Ace Ramon, and Lilly Garland." She stated looking around nervously. I watched as her eyes rested on the pretty woman next door.

Rebbecca Santos
Ace Ramon
Lilly Garland

All previous employees of my company. My gut churned. I had to get to the bottom of this, which is why she was to stay with me at all times.

Now the question was if I should tell her or not. Of course she deserved to know but I didn't want her to panic.

I forgot Petra was still in my office.

"You're dismissed. Let me know immediately if you get anymore intel" I shooed her away but she didn't move.

"Actually sir I have a question for you." She avoided my eyes as I began to get aggravated. I didn't have time for questions I needed to get to the bottom of who was targeting Y/n.

"What is it Petra?" I spat out watching her jerk back in the chair a bit.

"Um... it's kind of personal but... do you have feelings for her?" She asked nervously. The question caught me by suprise and honestly I didn't know the answer.

"Don't ask me shit like that. I don't have time for it. You're in no place to ask me personal questions so hurry up and get back to your fucking office." She quickly nodded before getting up and running out of my office.

I turned to Y/n, just watching her as the seconds passed by.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now