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Content warning!! Contains SMUT


I crept into my room after my shower in need of clothes. Y/n was still asleep in my bed, my comforter loosely draped over her unconscious body.

I got lost in the way her chest rose and fell so rhythmically as she slept. She was so beautiful even with her hair all knotted and spread on the pillow. Her mouth hung open ever so slightly. She was breathtaking.

I turned back to my dresser holding my towel around my waist. Last night was her first night staying at my place and I made sure she went to bed early so she got plenty of rest. It was nice to see her still asleep. I knew she needed it after a day like that.

My dresser drawers squeaked the loudest they ever have as I tried to quietly get my clothes. I turned around checking on the still unconscious Y/n, who had just rolled over in ignorance of the sound.

I felt like I was holding my damn breath, and I practically was. A mumble left the sleeping girl behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to find her rolling back over again. Heat rose to my face as I watched her begin to open her eyes.

My head quickly found its way back to my dresser, continuing to dig in a faster manner.

"Good morningggg!!" She hummed sounding like she was stretching. Her voice seemed to be a higher pitch than normal after just waking up which was the cutest fucking shit. Her eyes weren't fully open yet.

"Good morning Y/n. How'd you sleep?" I questioned turning around to give her a small grin. Her cheeks were red as her eyes were wide now.

"Good." Her answer was shallow as she bit her finger watching me scurry.

"Do you need me to step out?"

"No. You're okay, I just came in to grab some clothes for the day. I didn't mean to wake you." With my pants and boxers now in hand I moved to the closet to get a dress shirt.

Quietness filled the room with no sound other than the clicking of hangers echoing through it.

A cold velvety finger ran across my back. It was gentle, tracing the tattoo I had attempted to hide a past memory with. Y/n stood behind me tracing the Wings of Freedon with those beautiful lips of hers parted. She stared in admiration.

"When did you get a back tattoo?" She questioned, her hand now lower on the small of my back.

"When I was 19." I turned. Her hand didn't move as it now rested on the ridge of my v-line. Her breath hitched in her throat, and I was holding mine again.

Her eyes never left mine accept to watch her fingers trace over the molded flesh that stood before her. The molded flesh that begged for her touch all along. The molded flesh that turned to gold under her delicate finger tips.

Her other hand came up, tracing my left collarbone and down my peck. My towel was holding onto the lower half of my body for dear life.

I wanted her.

My hands found their way to her waist, gently squeezing the tender skin that covered her delicate being. Her body felt so tiny in my hands. My body wanted her. Those eyes found mine again. I pulled her against me so tightly that a gasp left her mouth as if all the air was sucked from her lungs.

My face was close to hers as it rested on her forehead. My jaw clenched at the thought of every fucked up thing I wanted to do to her. Everything I wanted to make her feel. The way I wanted to see her.

Her breathing fell heavy and shallow as her eyes nervously darted back and forth from my eyes to my body. She was in my trap, and I was loving it.

"Levi we can't." Her words came out breathlessly.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now