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A few weeks had passed since I began working for Levi. I was getting used to the system and the weekends off had me sleeping like a baby. I worked from 9-5 from Monday to Friday, and spent Saturday and Sunday with my friends.

It was an early December Saturday morning, and the early morning sun shined brightly through my blinded windows. My pastel pink curtains casted a faint pink glow into the room as I stirred in bed. I lived alone so I didn't have to get up and take any animals out or feed anyone.

The doorbell rang as I layed in bed, basking in the pink glow that lit up my room. It was a little odd considering how early it was but despite that I rolled out of bed. Worst case scenario was that Levi missed me or got bored which was unlikely, so I didn't really mind.

I looked through the peep hole to surprisingly find an empty apartment hallway. I quickly sucked in my breath hoping for the best before opening the door. Nothing...

Okay, check the corners...

Nothing? I moved out into the hallway, just barely tripping over a box that sat on my front door matt.

Ohhhhh a package. I wasn't expecting anything so maybe someone got me a gift to welcome me to the office of Ackerman Corporations.

I excitedly grabbed the hefty box before trotting inside. An uneasy gut feeling washed over me as I reached for the box cutter.

The tape sliced open too easily and the box folds were already trying to pry themselves open. I took a deep breath setting the box cutter down.

My heart sank as fear washed over my body. Bile already ready to erupt. A box of fucking severed hands had been delivered to my apartment. To my home, and now sat on my kitchen counter.

I ran for the door locking it before hurling all over the floor. Tears stung my eyes as the dinner I ate last night left my body. Someone help me. Help me.

My hands shook as I turned to look at the box.

The distant muffled wail of a ringtone tried to escape my closed bedroom door. I let it ring. Soon the phone shut off leaving me alone on the floor with a pile of puke and a box of severed hands on my fucking counter.

My body ached as i shook, and the puke just wouldn't stop.

The ringtone echoed through out my apartment again. I peeled myself off of the floor, the taste of bile still fresh in my mouth.

Incoming call

His name lit up my screen, my beck and call.

"Hello?" He questioned as I picked up the phone with a shaky breath. I could barely mutter anything so I just breathed.

"L-levi?" My voice was raspy and shaky as I tried to speak. That croak he had gotten used to hearing.

"Y/n, what's wrong? What happened?!" He questioned. I could hear him begin moving in the background, and the tone in his voice had changed.

"Levi." I croaked out again. Bile rising again.

"Hang tight. Don't move and i'll be right there." He hung up.

Tears fell like a waterfall. I didn't care.

I felt like i was gonna throw up all over again.

He showed up within the span of three minutes and let himself into my locked apartment as I laid on the floor by my bed.


Her apartment wreaked from the outside. My nose burned as I broke the door knob. The door immediately cracked open flooding my senses with whatever the hell died in here. I prayed she was okay.

I let myself in cautiously taking in my surroundings.

I wanted to fucking throw up.

Found the smell. A pile of throw up sat next to the door and a box on the counter.

"Y/n?" I called. No answer.

"I'm here." A faint groggy voice rasped from the bedroom.

I covered my nose with the side of my jacket as I moved my way through her apartment. She sat on the side of her bed close to her window in a ball. Curled up on the fur carpet.

"Hey, hey what happened?" I crouched down next to her. She was a mess. Her shirt had puke on it, her face tear stained and her eyes puffy.

"Levi... the counter. The box." I peered out of the door to look at the box as her shaky hands covered her face.

"There's hands in the box." She sputtered out, a broken sob leaving her mouth. She looked like she was going to puke again.

"Okay. Come on let's go to the bathroom." I helped the broken girl stand up as she wobbled. She weeped into her hand as I helped her walk.

I sat her by the toilet and ran the sink water.

"I'll be back." I grabbed my phone as I made for the paper towels. My fingers moved automatically as I punched in a number.

"Smith Agencies how can i help you?" Erwin Smiths assistants voice rang through the phone.

"Hand me to Erwin."

"Hello Levi." His voice finally came through.

"I need cameras put up on the Rose Residency apartment complex. An incident happened, she won't be staying here anymore but I need to see if someone is targeting her."

"Done. Anything else Levi?" I could hear him typing.

"No." And with that I hung up.

Y/n sat by the toilet hugging her legs. I wet the paper towel beginning to wipe off her face.

"Do you want me to run you a bath?" I asked still gently rubbing her face. I could feel her swollen eyes on me. She nodded.

I quickly reached over her to the bathtub behind her and turned the warm water on.

"Do you need my help?"

She stayed silent, nodding.

I lifted her arms up gently pulling her puke covered shirt over her head. She had a blue polka doted bra on. She hugged her body as soon as I took her shirt off. She was still shaking.

"Hey." I used my finger to lift her chin till her eyes met my face. I stroked her hair gently. I hadn't seen her like this in a long time. I never wanted to again.

"It's okay. I'm here and i'm gonna take care of you, okay?" I nodded as I spoke to her.

She didn't speak. But her arms flung tightly around my torso as I knelt down by her. I let her hug me, and I held her shaking body.

"It's okay. Let's get you in the bath."

She nodded and I stood helping her up.

I quickly stripped her pants off of her to reveal her matching blue polka dotted panties, and I let her do the rest. I cracked the door not wanting to leave her alone.

Her apartment was a mess. Throw up was everywhere and I couldn't tell if it was the box that stunk or her dinner from last night sitting in a heap.

I crept between the piles to look at the box. At least 3 pairs of hands sat in there. 6 hands in total. I want to fucking kill whoever sent this to her. Whoever was targeting her. Whoever did this to her, made her shake, hurl, cry.

I was gonna end them.

It was time to clean.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now