Smith Agencies

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Levi clung to my body as he laid next to me. He wasn't asleep, but he stared twirling a piece of my hair between his two fingers. He just stared.

"I enjoyed that." I turned facing him as his finger left my hand to trace my chest.

"I know." He grinned before kissing the tip of my nose.

"So cocky." I giggled as he kissed me through a smile. It was nice being like this with him. I loved it when we touched. When he held me. Even if it didn't last very long. Sometimes he held me after he would bring my brother and I over to his house back when we were really young.

I had no idea what any of this meant though, which scared me the most.

I'd never get used to his dick. The faces he made as he fucked me. The way he fucked. His body. His hands. I'd never get used to him.

The door bell rang as we laid in bed. He groaned kissing me before rolling out of bed and throwing on his dress pants he was going to put on after his shower.

He came over to give me another kiss as I sat up and dragged him back down on top of me. He was already hard as his lips smashed onto mine. His hand found its way between my legs. Fuck, he was already rubbing my sensitive clit in a rapid ruthless pace.

The door bell rang twice more before he groaned into my mouth pulling himself off of me.

"We'll continue this later." He pointed a finger at me as he grabbed his white shirt, heading out of his bedroom door.

I giggled pulling the covers over my chest. His bed smelled like him. I smelled like him. It was sending my senses on an overload.

A deep voice rang through the apartment. It wasn't Levi's. I quickly got up throwing on my discarded clothes and a new set of panties before joining them in the living room.

A tall blonde haired blue eyed man stood by the door in a suit. Levi and him talked as Levi buttoned his shirt.

"Good morning Y/n. It's nice to officially unofficially meet you." He smiled as both of their heads turned to me. He already knew me?

"Y/n, this is Erwin Smith from Smith Agencies. His company set up cameras around your apartment to see if someone was targeting you." Levi tucked in his shirt before moving back into his room to grab the rest of his suit.

"Why would someone be targeting me?"

"Because you work for Levi now." Erwin stated nonchalantly as he stuck is hands in his pockets. My heart sank as Levi avoided eye contact.

"I know he'll protect me. He always has." Levi looked up locking eyes with me as I talked.

"Yes. He will go to great matters to make sure you're safe. That's exactly why i'm here. Although he will keep you safe, he makes enemies easier than friends. So it's not unlikely someone is targeting you to get to him. Someone may see you as Levi's weak spot." Levi attempted to kill him with his looks.

I swallowed. "Has this happened before."

"Erwin paused looking at levi who was now looking down at his shoes with his hands in his pockets. His jaw clenching.

"No. It hasn't." Erwin answered.

"I've never let anyone get this close." Levi's eyes were dead as he looked at me. He talked in a low tone. He seemed tired.

"I've heard a great deal about you." Erwin changed the subject walking further into the house admiring the fancy wall decor.

Levi shot him a dangerous glare as I smiled. I didn't know whether he heard good or bad things from Levi. But i was proud that the man talked about me either way. If i aggravated him, that was a huge accomplishment. If I pleased him, that was an even bigger one.

"Get dressed. We're going into the office today." Levi nodded towards me and the door of his bedroom.

"It's already 11:42 am." I pointed at the clock hanging on the wall above the TV.

"Get dressed." He ordered this time.

"Get dressed." I mimicked him with a sour face in a high pitched voice as I walked into the bedroom.

"Feisty one." Erwin nodded at me flashing a grin before I shut the door.

"No she's just a brat." He spat.

I unlocked my office door as Levi and Erwin made their way into his office, closing the door behind them.

My heart sunk as I recognized the cover of a book sitting on my desk. A crisp new hard cover copy of my favorite book sat on my desk, beaming up at me as it waited to be opened. The book I carried around for comfort. The book I read so much that the pages frayed. The book that was still in the hole at my old house.

It brought back so many memories. I sat at my desk tracing over the hard cover. It ran smoothly under the fragile pads of my fingertips. Tears stung my eyes. It was so beautiful and so fancy I didn't even want to open it.

I flipped it over reading the summary and the contents around it. One thing caught my eye.

A Special Edition tag shined up at me.

My first thought was Levi. I turned to look at him, his silver eyes already rested on me as Erwin talked. His legs were crossed as he lounged in his chair. His chin wedged between his thumb and index finger as he watched me with a content expression on his face.

I smiled at him holding up my book. Tears were coming down, and honestly I didn't care. It means so much to me, and he was the only one who knew I carried this book around other than Eren.

His silver eyes left me and his face stayed blank, returning to the conversation he was having with Erwin as I admired my favorite book in Special Edition.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now