Facing hardships

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I slipped on a black skirt with a purple sweater. I quit my jobs two days ago and I was hella nervous to begin this new one. I had no idea what it would be like. How hard he'd be on me. I just knew I needed the money.

Eren lived in a beautiful house. Every time I was there I was in awe that even working for Levi could buy him something so nice.

Mascara, concealer, and cherry red lipstick would hold me over for the day. I glanced into the mirror ruffling around my long h/c hair. It was as good as it was gonna get in the little time I had left.

I quickly threw on my cardigan that had been sitting on my desk chair and grabbed my purse. Eren had a limo waiting outside for me. It was so fancy, I had never been in a limo.

"Hey sis. How are you?" Eren greeted me as the man in a black suit opened the door for me. I stepped in giving him a side hug.

"Good. You?"

"Well. Mr. Ackerman is getting your schedule ready so he requests your presence in his office this morning." He smiled typing away on his phone.

"Mr. Ackerman?" I questioned.

"That's what his employees call him." He looked up from his phone.

"I'll stick to Levi." I shot Eren a glance before looking out the window.

The big glass doors opened as Eren lead me into the huge building. Columns filled with people who worked littered the floor. Glass separated the rooms. It was beautiful.

Eren clicked the button to the top floor in the elevator. My nerves were shot with anticipation, and at least one part of me needed to be squirming.

He wore his normal suit. The elevator finally stopped and opened and people littered the halls of the building. The floor was beautiful. At the end of the walk way was a huge door with. big engraved A carved in the door. An Ackerman Corp. sign hung above the door.

Levi was seen through the glass windows separating him and the rest of the people in the building. His office was nice and neat. I took a deep breath as we headed towards the big double doors of his office.

Despite our history, he made me feel so many things.

A petite red headed girl scurried out of his office almost bumping into to Eren as she ran. "Sorry!!" She shouted over her shoulder in a panicked hurry.

"Don't ask questions." He warned me before opening the double doors to the office. He quickly shut them behind me leaving me alone in the office with Levi Ackerman.

"Good morning Y/n." He continued sorting through the papers on his desk without looking up to greet me.

"Good Morning Levi." With the mention of his name, his eyes were on me. They squinted as they traced my figure.

"Y/n. It's fucking snowing out. What are you wearing?" He gestured to the small tight black skirt and sweater I wore along with the cardigan and black tights accompanied by leg warmers.

"I'm fine Levi. I was warm." I looked down at my outfit turning my leg up as I looked at my leg warmer.

"Still can't even take care of yourself, let alone dress properly." He rolled his eyes before turning back to his papers. I ignored his comment.

"You will be my new assistant. You are at my beck and call." He handed me a paper from his pile, a contract to sign for Ackerman corp.

I plucked a pen from his prestigious cup of fancy pens and sloppily signed my name in a rush, hoping he'd despise the fact I wasted such prestigious ink with such a sloppy signature.

I shoved the paper back in his hand and left the pen on his desk, just trying to keep one thing out of order. Maybe it was just to aggravate him.

He studied the signature with judgement and picked up the pen to place it neatly back in the cup.

"First I'll need you to sign a few documents for me that states you're my employee. Then I have a stack of papers for you to fill out." He grinned wickedly.

"And where am I doing this Levi?" I practically spat out his name which only made his grin grow. I didn't even know the man had the face muscles to grin, let alone smile.

"Your office is right next to mine. My previous assistant already cleaned her stuff out. It's all yours." He shoved the stack of paperwork at me as he nodded towards the see through room beside him. The city view was amazing so I wasn't too mad about it.

I stood up cradling the papers in my arms before he stood up as well.

"I didn't dismiss you, Y/n." He gestured to the chair. I sat back down showing him how aggravated he was making me.

"If you need to retrieve things from your apartment to set up your new office, I will send one of my men with you. Now, you are dismissed." He placed an office key on the desk before he 'dismissed' me, returning back to the stack on his desk.

I got up moving for the door as fast as I could while keeping my dignity and composure intact.

"One more thing. I'll have my secretary make a key card for you to get in. You'll need one for entry to the building." And with that he shooed me away.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now