You're with me now

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"I don't want you to stay here right now. Not until we figure out what's going on okay?" Levi sat outside of the bathroom door. A couple of people had arrived earlier and now my house smells like extremely heavy cleaner of some sort.

"I don't have anywhere else to go Levi." I hugged my body in the bath. The water was starting to get cold.

I heard him swear under his breath.

"You can stay with me until I know for sure that you're safe." He said it like an order.

I stayed silent hugging my body. It felt like the only option.

"I'll have some people collect the things you'll need for the next few days." I heard him get up and step outside to make a phone call. He had someone bring in the hands for identification.

I stood out of the bathtub after washing myself, wrapping the towel he got for me around my body. I wasn't shaking anymore despite being wet and cold.

I left the bathroom to find the silver eyed man standing by my door on the phone. His eyes darted up and down my body. A shiver ran up my spine. Fuck.

He finished his phone call.

"I'm gonna get dressed real quick." I said shutting the door to my bedroom. He nodded still looking me up and down. I could imagine how I looked and i'd never wish for Levi to see me like this.

I quickly threw on some Jeans and a t-shirt, converse and his jacket.

My apartment door still wouldn't shut because Levi broke the door knob, so he just pulled it shut as best as he could.

He lived in a penthouse. It was fucking huge. The living room had a better view than the any room at the office.

"Make yourself at home." He shut and locked the door. It was too clean. I didn't even want to walk in the damn place.

"Thanks." The windows were beautiful. And there was a balcony that could open by sliding doors. A huge TV sat on top of a marble mantle. Black stone floors covered the penthouse. It was breathtaking but I felt like i couldn't even breathe in here.

It smelled of his cologne and cleaning products. The walls were tones of grey and white depending on the room, and grey furniture filled the living room.

The kitchen was open, with a bar and an island. It was a beautiful home.

"Are you feeling okay? Are you hungry?" He questioned as I was still taking his home in with my jaw on the floor.

"Y/n.." His hand rested on my shoulder breaking me out of my gawking state.

"Sorry. I've just, never seen anything like this."

His eyebrows furrowed in a concerning sympathetic manner before he smiled. A Genuine smile.

"I'm glad you like it. You're welcome to stay as long as you need." He returned back to the kitchen. I know I was just tormented but he was being oddly extremely nice. Especially for him. I just ignored it continuing to look.

"I packed your toiletries so you don't have to shower with my soaps. Or you're welcome to however you see fit." He fixed himself a drink.

"Thank you Levi." I turned giving him a smile. There he was being my rock again. After all these years he still came to my house today and picked me up, despite my pukey clothes, despite the smell, he took care of me and cleaned my house. And now i'm in his house because he wants to keep me safe.

I admired the man from a far as he took a sip of his drink and look around at his art work of a home.

Despite the view, despite the architecture and the colors, he was still the most beautiful thing.

"You can take my bed tonight. I'll sleep on the couch." He finished his drink before moving my suitcases into his room. Oh his room. How I longed to see it for so fucking long. I was going to sleep in his bed. In his satin sheets.

Everything in my body ached just thinking about it. And him. Especially that pesky little bud between my legs that yearned for his attention. I swallowed following him into the room.

Another wall of windows looked out on the city below us. The floor black marble tile just like in the rest of the house. His bedsheets were satin and grey and his bed frame was black to match his dresser and nightstand. It was beautiful and smelled even stronger of him. His bed was neatly made and below his bed sat a bench. It was beautiful. Everything was.

I was so envious despite enjoying the cozy home feeling my small apartment gave me.

"Levi it's so beautiful here." I sat on his bed staring out of his window down at the city.

"That's all I want to hear." He sat on the bed next to me.

"Cocky much." I questioned shoving my elbow into him.

"Oh you have no idea." I felt his gaze linger on me before he too looked out the window.

"I'm gonna go shower. I'll let you unpack and get a feel for things. You're welcome to some food or a drink and just get me if you need something." He stuck his hand on my shoulder squeezing the tender muscle before he got up and made for the bathroom.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now