Sweet Little Birthday

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She was so beautiful as she slept. Even being battered wouldn't stop her from hitting me in her sleep somehow. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she slept, the faint sound of her breathing filled my quiet bedroom. I woke up earlier than usual today, even for me...

Today was my birthday, and of all the years I have celebrated, I actually feel myself getting a bit excited for this one. Not even excited but maybe hopeful. Hopeful that I wouldn't feel so alone. I just know it's because Y/n is here with me now. I miss my mom on my birthday more than any day. Faint blurred memories of blowing out candles with her and eating birthday cake flood me as Y/n's face goes out of focus. I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I tried to remember just the simple features that made her. I can barely remember them, nor her face no matter how desperately I try. I'm just thankful that they're still with me, though they're faint. Mom was beautiful in the same kind of way that Y/n is. There were small ways that she favored my mom. 

I blinked out of my memories,  refocusing on Y/n, she had turned her head, completely exposing her bruised neck to me. I winced just thinking about the way I found her. I let my finger trace the soft darkened skin. I wanted nothing more than to hold her closer than ever before. But I knew I couldn't due to her current condition. Her ribs were too fragile, and her neck was only just starting to heal, so I loved her from a distance for now. 

Last night she freaked out because I told her I would sleep on the couch.  Of course I would. She was almost just fucking murdered.  I didn't want to risk hurting her by moving too much or anything while we slept. She practically cried and threw herself at me explaining that she couldn't go another night without sleeping in my arms. So I just said okay to calm her down. I woke every time she moved last night just worried that something was happening to her. With my luck something would happen to her. She seemed okay, just either dreaming or readjusting herself, so I tried not to worry. 

She groaned, turning back towards me. I just stared, waiting for her beautiful eyes to meet mine. "Hi." I smiled, tracing her cheek bone. 

"Good morning birthday boy." She smiled back at me, before stretching. The name struck a match in my heart, starting a wild fire in my head. More memories suffocated me... I was young, probably around 8 at the time. 

Laughter and the smell of something sweet filled my senses. Mom was laughing and wiping frosting on my nose. 

"Now you're a true birthday boy!!!" Her voice echoed and she giggled at me before taking a picture of my 'angry face' with her camera. She grabbed my hand, smearing it in the cake frosting before bending down to help me reach her. She then wiped frosting on her nose as well using my hand. I remember the feel of her soft skin before giggling at how silly she looked. She turned the camera around, bending down next to me to take a picture of the both of us now covered in frosting. She giggled as she stared at the picture, I remember her showing me but I'm unfamiliar with what it looked like. I was only looking at her, admiring the way her face melted into her smile as she giggled. It was long ago, but that memory was clearer than most other ones. 

"Levi..." Y/n's voice was in my head and rang in my ears, but she's not here with mom and I.

"Levi." Her tone was stern and the memory was gone as quick as it had appeared. 

"What is it?" She questioned, struggling to sit up. I quickly sat up, leaning in to help sit her up. 

"Nothing baby. I'm okay." I smiled, pushing the image burned into my mind to the back for now. I know that her camera still exists somewhere, I just have to find it. Y/n smiled as well. 

"You hungry? I'm going to cook some breakfast." 

"Mmmmm yes!" 

"You in a pancake or French toast mood?" I questioned, getting out of bed and moving to her side to help her get up. 

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now