New Beginnings

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I inhaled. The sting of nicotine grazed my lungs as my mind felt light. It didn't feel real to be back here. The minute we enter this house, we were going to be those little kids again.

I was going to be that little boy hell bent on getting Y/n and Eren out of here. Hell bent on protecting them in any way I could. Y/n was going to be that scared little girl that clung to her withered book and her neighbor. That little girl who would try to fight for her brother despite the consequences. And Eren was going to be that little boy who never knew when to stop fighting back. That little boy who was punished for being a child.

I took another drag, this time letting the smoke linger before I stepped on the small still lit bud. Eren's eyes had nothing behind them. They were a shell of what they normally were as he stared through the circle window of the front door.

Y/n was in a daze. Her lips parted ever so slightly to expose her teeth just below her top lip, and she shivered as she stared through the same window. Eren broke himself away from the zombie-like trance, grabbing the key they always kept under the doormat. The old porch swing still rocked in the wind as it sat there empty.

I don't know what in me compelled me to grab her hand, but I knew she needed me. We hadn't been as close as Eren and I were over the years. I knew she felt alone. I tried to help but every time we saw each other we would fight. I didn't care.

I watched her break out of the trance as she watched my hand slide into hers. She visibly looked calmer as we waited for Eren to unlock the door. Her hands were shaky as she gripped mine tighter. I gave her a squeeze to let her know she wasn't alone.

The cool winter air mixed with the sudden breeze from inside the house as Eren opened the door. The scent immediately triggering so many memories. One of the main ones that stuck with me was holding Y/n after knocking Grisha Yeager out... and then our fight.

I did some recent digging due to Grisha's death and turns out he had a history of domestic abuse. His former wife and son Dina Fritz and Zeke Yeager filed a restraining order after Dina divorced him. He had even been to jail for putting Dina in the hospital, which is what triggered her to sign the divorce papers.

Broken glass covered the front walk way, and dust collected on the stairs. It really was a shit show.

I chucked a piece of glass before moving to the kitchen In search for a broom. Eren began taking down the lies that hid between the cracks of the old photos on the walls. And Y/n continued to stare blankly at the shards resting on the dusty stair case, so I let her be.

The winter air blew through our hair as we all stood on the porch again. Y/n locked the house as I smoked another cigarette. Eren stood emotionless on the other side of her with his hands in his pockets. Lost in thought.

I would have my team from Ackerman Corporations take care of the rest of the things and fix the broken window on the second floor. I'd have them do any maintenance that needs to be done before the house can be sold. And then finally be put up for sale. Hopefully we'll have a buyer sooner rather than later.

Y/n slid the key under the doormat before making her way between me and her brother. Her pony tail blew in the wind. She wore jeans and a pretty black cropped shirt with a purple jacket over the top. The jeans hugged her curves in all the best ways.

I pulled my eyes away from her figure finally moving off of the porch. My cigarette was easily put out by the snow as I threw it on the ground. Nobody would miss this place. Despite the renovations, the memories would still fill the voids of the empty hallways.

Y/n followed after me, and Eren soon after her. I opened the door to the passenger seat offering her my hand as she got into my car. It wasn't the little red pick up truck anymore, I had a nice car now. A black challenger.

She took it, staying quiet as she got in the car before I closed the door. Eren hopped in the back. And I hopped in the front. It was quiet.

"You still work at that cafe?" I questioned trying to break the silence.

"And a bookstore now too. The cafe wasn't enough to pay the bills since the landlord raised rent." Her head rested in her hand as she looked out the window. Yet again in another unbreakable trance.

"Y/n, You could always come work for levi. He just fired his assistant." Eren perked up spewing the information he somehow knew. I watched as Y/n perked up, and fell back into the trance again.

"It would never work. We can barely get along." She sang in a defeated manner.

"I wouldn't mind you working for me if you actually did your job." I spewed shooting Eren a dirty I'm-gonna-kill-you look. He just smiled unbothered.

"I don't want I work for you." She spat finally picking her head up from the window.

"Y/n, it's good money." Eren said still trying to convince her.

"I'll put aside our differences and help you if you're willing to help me." I watched her perk up at my words.

"Help you how?" She questioned leaning onto the center console of the car. I could smell her scent. Vanilla and amber. It was fucking hypnotic. She was.

"Work for me." I glanced at her from the corner of my eye as she turned to watch the road in front of us.

"Fine." She whispered. Eren patted her back and I could've sworn a faint smile grew on that delicate pretty little face of hers. A real one.

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