Sweet Little Birthday Pt. 2

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Levi held me with shaking hands. His eyes glossed over as he smiled down at me. An expression so rare that I couldn't help but stare. 

"You know, I've been trying to remember my mom's face with the little memory I have left of her. I can't thank you enough Y/n." He smiled, that of a genuine person. I cupped his face, just nodding as a single tear attempted to tip over the edge of his eye. It never fell though, and I never expected it to.

"Did you look through it?" He questioned, releasing my face to retrieve the camera once more. 

"No I didn't. I just charged it and turned it on to make sure it worked." I smiled, watching him begin to scroll through. 

"I'm a bit nervous..." He stated, lowering the camera again.

"Levi..." I tilted my head, sympathy and anxiety both working together to form a lump in my throat. I walked towards him, taking the other side of the camera in my hand as well. He held the side with the controls, and with a single nod of my head he began looking through the pictures. At first, old pictures of flowers and gardens flashed on the camera. 

"My mom had a garden." He spoke quietly. I watched his eyes flutter as they watched the slideshow that the camera displayed, before they widened. The camera stopped on a picture of a young boy with long black hair resembling Levi. The same small boy that would play with me in the yard when we very first met. And a young woman, Levi's mom. They both had frosting smeared on their faces and Levi is laughing in the picture. I felt my heart drop. His hands were shaking, and that's when I realized... the tear had fallen. A single tear had fallen as he scrolled through the pictures of his last birthday with his mother. 

I lifted my injured hand, just resting it on his free hand to give him a sense of comfort. His eyes didn't leave the camera. His mother was beautiful. 


After looking at the pictures on the camera, Erwin showed up bearing breakfast since Levi and I had completely trailed off. Levi was getting dressed right now, leaving Erwin and I at the table for the after affects of brunch. 

"I'm not sure what you did to him..." He looked at me with an accusing face as he paused. "But, he is glowing in a different light today Mrs. Y/n." Erwin's expression softened as he looked back at Levi's bedroom door. 

"I found his mother's camera. He saw her for the first time in a long time today. He's been wanting to find it, and I found it when we were cleaning out our old house. I saved it for his birthday." I smiled at Erwin, wiping my mouth with my napkin. 

"You're good for him. I see why he loves you Y/n." He smiled, before excusing himself to pour a drink at Levi's kitchen bar. 

Levi came out of the bedroom, now dressed in a black button down shirt and black dress pants. His sleeves were rolled up to just below his elbows and his hair was freshly combed. He looked delicious, despite the fact I just ate a whole ass meal.

"I should be going. I have a date in a few hours and I'd like to prepare. It was wonderful having breakfast with you two." Erwin finished his drink, washing and rinsing his glass before putting it back in the cupboard it came from. Levi nodded, thanking him for breakfast. They talked a bit, before he left and I headed off to get dressed. 

Despite the bruises, and deformed looking figure I have at the moment, I wanted to look nice for Levi's birthday. I threw on a little black skirt, followed by a white croquette sweater. I liked the way I look today, despite struggling so badly. 

"You look beautiful." Levi's voice was in my ear, and his hands wrapped around me from behind, pulling me in for a hug. 

"Thank you. What do you want to do for your birthday?" I questioned, turning around to meet him. His hand was quick to find my hair, easily running his fingers through it. 

"Would it be wrong if I wanted to stay in and sit by the fireplace on the couch with you and watch stupid non-realistic romance movies? Of course we can go out for dinner and I also want to visit my mom some time but that doesn't have to be today." He rambled, not even realizing which was extremely shocking and of course so fucking adorable. 

"Of course not. I'd love that. But what do you mean? I thought your mom was uh..."

"She is. I go visit her grave. Bring her flowers and tidy it up."

My heart sunk and my breath was stuck in my chest. 

"Levi, I'm sure nothing would make her happier. " I smiled, placing a gentle kiss on his nose. 

"Happy Birthday." And this time, I kissed his soft lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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