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It's been a few hours since Levi raw dogged me in his office. Since then my everything ached and he has been in extremely important meetings all day. Armin came in with the news from Eren. I haven't heard much yet because Levi and I haven't been able to talk much.

He briefly informed me over lunch that the background check he ran on my previous work associates came back clear. I have yet to hear about his theory about my father, but he's been avoiding answering or even discussing anything about him.

Eren comes back to work next week.

Two business men leaving Levi's office snapped my attention away from my book. I presumed they were from his prestigious team of investigators and hackers.

Levi looked irritated. I watched him pull out a cigarette from his suit pocket and light it. I watched him inhale, exhale, and tap it on the cigarette tray sitting in his office. He was so pretty no matter what he did.  He leaned back in his chair, his head rested in his hand as he took another drag from the cigarette.

I inhaled, closing my book before I decided to make my way to his office. It was almost time to go so hopefully he wouldn't think much of it.

"Come in." He demanded. I hadn't even knocked on the door yet. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. I don't know why I was so nervous, I was literally just sprawled out on his desk a few hours ago.

I entered, taking a seat in his chair. His eyes followed my every move.

"Yes?" He questioned putting out the cigarette in his ashtray.

"Are you okay?" I asked taking in his appearance.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You just look stressed and upset."

"Well this shit is a lot to deal with Y/n." He rubbed his temples sitting up in his chair.

"What's going on?" I reached out, grabbing his hand and pulling it away from the temple he was rubbing way too harshly. I held it as our hands rested together across the desk. He held mine back.

"It's better if you don't know." His eyes stayed locked on mine as he spoke.

"Is it about my father?" It slipped out, and he pulled his hand away to reach in his desk.

"Y/n, stop."

"Levi just fucking tell me what's going on, I deserve to know."

"Yes you do but it's not worth seeing you go through the fucking pain so go stick your nose up someone else's ass." My heart ached. He pulled out a document and began scribbling on the pages. He disregarded me.

I left without saying another word. I quietly and quickly went into my office and gathered my things that I had for the day before going to find one of his men.

"Miche, please take me home." The tall dirty blonde stood tall by the entrance of the building. Levi's right hand man when Eren wasn't around.

"Does boss know?"

"He doesn't get to order me around." I folded my arms giving him a dirty look.

He chuckled lightly grabbing the keys to a limo. "You're the only one who gets to talk to and about him like that."

My heart twinged hearing those words.

"Petra tell Levi I'm taking the woman home." He spoke through an ear piece before we headed out.

"I said home Miche." We sat in front of Levi's penthouse building.

"You talk like he hasn't been your home your entire life." He snorted as we entered. I shut up folding my arms as I pretended to be mad. Miche didn't leave until he knew I was safe inside of Levi's penthouse.

Drawn By Fate ~Levi Ackerman x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now