Regretful Descisions

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1 month ago

I watched as the tall raven haired man entered the cafe. I greeted him with a smile, despite our history. His eyes stayed cold and his face rested in an icy glare as he made his way to the counter.

"Hello, what can I get for you today?" I asked the silver eyed man before me.

"A black tea." His answer was short and cold, as usual but his deep voice rang in my ears. "Will that be all?" I pushed away the ache between my legs that the sight of this man had always caused.

He nodded. I smiled again and moved to make his tea as I erased the forced smile. He lingered around the counter looking at the food on display as I made his tea. I had opened the cafe today, so he was early which made me question if he knew my schedule.

"Y/n..." His deep voice growled out my name in the prettiest way, it always had my stomach flipping. "Hm?" I hummed trying not to draw much attention to how much of a choke hold he still has on me.

"He's gone." He said nonchalantly as he stared blankly at the food. My heart dropped. What the fuck is that supposed to mean and why did he say it so randomly?

"I'm sorry?" A lump quickly found its way to my throat as my heart beat rose with anticipation.

"Your father. He was found dead Y/n." His eyes broke away from the display case, trying to read the emotion on my face. I didn't know how to feel. In all honesty I felt relieved, but guilty for feeling relieved. At every mention of his name everything came flooding back. Everything I wanted to disappear forever.

"How do you know?" I questioned shaking away my thoughts as I finished making his tea.

"My team is investigating the case."

Right, his team. His fancy team that he bought with his fancy money in his fancy building. Well, one of his fancy buildings.

"Wait, why?" I handed him his tea reading him the total as he waited to insert his card.

"Because the fucking bastard went out too easily. So we're investigating what happened. After he disappeared from that house 4 years ago we've been trying to keep tabs on him. We don't know where he went, but he turned up dead 7 blocks away from your current apartment."

I felt so dizzy. It was all too much.

"I don't care. I don't know why you're telling me this." I shot back getting aggravated. I had seen him occasionally on the town and when he would stand in the window of his main office building. But now he's waltzing into my work and trying to talk to me about shit I don't want to know. About people i don't want to fucking remember.

"Because I think you should sell the house. It's the only thing you still have to remind you of everything." He sipped his tea watching my face get red. I hated the way he was so unbothered. I hated the way he owned the room the minute he walked into it. I hated the way he was right... I'd never be able to let go or build a new name for myself if I kept holding on. He was always right.

"I don't care what you think. I was fine just before you arrived with never even fucking thinking about the place again."

"You make no sense. You say you want to be free from the reigns your child hood has on you yet you don't want to let go of the shit you need to."

"Just leave me alone levi." I sighed looking at the ceiling as customers started to pile in. Ah the morning rush hour.

"Fine. It's what I should've done in the first place and I learn my lesson every single fucking time we cross paths again."

His words rang in my ears. I honestly missed him, but i'd never let him know. I missed what we had. When I spent the night with him last minute. When he would buy me the necessities I needed because I was too afraid to as my mom. But part of me hated the fact he ever saw me like that. And i would be sure that he never would again.

My work shift was finally over. I flopped on the bed of my apartment still with that raven haired man fresh on my mind. His scent was strong and masculine with the subtle ness of woods. His teeth, pearly white and his lips formed perfectly around the words he spoke. He was a god. And I hated how much of my brain he took up. But if it wasn't him it was the exhaustion from my work shift or the never ending childhood fiasco.

The vibration pulled me out of my evening haze as I pulled it out of my pocket.

Eren: I talked to Levi... I'm assuming he told you the news.

Me: Yeah. Dad passed. He wants us to sell the house and be done with the shit show.

Eren: I think we should.

I sighed watching the ceiling fan spin.

Me: Okay.

Part of me felt like Levi was right. And ever since I met him, despite how he acted in school or towards other people, he always tried to help me and my brother. He got Eren a nice job in his company, Ackerman Corp. They stayed close through the whole thing.

I rolled over questioning every single fucking decision I had made leading up to this moment. And then I did it...

Me: I want to sell the house. I talked to Eren.

Assface: Glad you came to your senses.

Me: I still hate you and i'm only doing this for eren.

Assface: That makes two of us.

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