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Tents were being erected in a clearing as a number of men went about preforming the other various tasks that went into getting a large camp set up. Leonidas walked among the busy camp as he looked around to ensure that everyone was doing what they were supposed to. And once he was satisfied that things were going as they should, be headed to the largest tent in the camp. Of which had been set up first and sat a good distance away from the rest as was typical unless they were unfortunate enough to be stuck settling up camp in a smaller, less desirable area.


My lord.

The man announced himself at the large tent's entrance.



Accepting the invitation, Leonidas pushed aside one of the flaps that hung down at the tent's entrance and stepped inside. Inside, he saw their leader standing over a table looking at a map and didn't even bother to look his way as he came inside.


The camp is nearly finished being set up and your dinner will be ready shortly my lord.


Not hungry.

Leonidas watched as the tall figure picked up a goblet of wine that was sitting on the table beside the map and drank it down before putting the cup down and returning the focus to the large piece of paper spread out before them.


Very well, my lord. Is there anything you do need from me before I take my leave then?


Another wine skin.


Yes my lord, I'll return in a few moments with that for you.

The man left the tent and returned several minutes later. Upon his return, he saw his leader idly lounging among a pile of pillows that had been set up on the floor of the tent with several furs draped over them. He brought over the wine skin and handed it to his leader, who popped it open and took a long drink right from it before setting it on the pillow beside them.


I know you said you weren't hungry, but I thought I'd fix you a plate before the rest of the men ate all the good stuff. In case you might want something later.

He held out the plate tentatively for his lounging superior to either accept or decline. And after appearing to consider it for a moment, the offering was accepted and sat on a pillow to go on to be idly picked at periodically. Relieved that the food wasn't thrown back at him, Leonidas gave the typical salute of his fist over his chest that everyone in the army usually did when greeting or leaving their leader's presence.


If that's all my lord I will leave you to your evening. That is, unless there was anything else you needed.

The man's leader looked at him for a moment, considering if there was anything else that he needed to do. Leonidas was a tall, muscular man. He had long dark brown hair that he wore pulled back into a ponytail. He had a mustache that connected into a well trimmed beard that covered his entire jaw and matched the color of the hair atop his head. His eyes were dark as his face by default seemed to have an intimidating appearance to it. He wore heavy armor that was an off, dull bronze color and had a few inconsequential designs embedded throughout the metal chest plate, shoulder guards, and gauntlets. From the waist down, he wore simple, very dark blue pants that were tucked into his boots that were also simplistic in design and dark brown. On his back, he carried a large two-handed sword that he could wield with deadly precision on the battlefield. As that along with his natural leadership and tactical mind had led him to climb the ranks within the army to become one of his lord's most trusted advisors. Of which was no small feat as trust was something that was a very difficult thing to gain from his leader who as a rule typically didn't trust anyone other than themselves. Unless given what they saw as sufficient proof to do otherwise. And this was very rare, so Leonidas counted himself lucky to be among the few that were actually trusted.

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