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Another day came at the keep as Xena stood with a small smile on her face and her shoulder casually leaning against the wall as she watched through the doorway to the dinning room where she had been standing for several minutes.

Now don't you look happy.

Xena looked over as Cyrene walked toward her after exiting the kitchen to dtand beside her daughter as she turned her eyes to where Xena's attention had previously been just a moment prior as she smiled.

And I have a feeling that I can probably guess why.

Xena smirked at her mother's comment as her eyes went back to the room.

(Disingenuous tone) Oh yeah. And just what might that be?

Perhaps it has something to do with a certain young woman whose clearly stolen your heart.

I'm that obvious, huh?

Cyrene chuckled slightly.

It's written all over your face. I don't think I've seen you this happy since you were a little girl.

Cyrene placed her hand on the Conqueror's shoulder as Xena smiled, and the two stood silently for a moment before the older woman spoke again.

But seriously, I'm happy for you Xena. Gabrielle's been good for you.

Xena gave Cyrene a questioning look.

What do you mean?

Come on Xena, you can't think that I haven't noticed how much you've changed since Gabrielle's come into your life.

Have I? Can't say I've really noticed or thought about it.

Cyrene smiled.

You might not have, but everyone else around here sure has.

Cyrene turned her attention forward.

Including her.

Xena looked in the direction as her mother and saw Gabrielle who was sitting with Elle looking her way and smiled when their eyes met before looking away quickly when Elle said something that Xena couldn't hear.

She said she loved me. Me, of all people. How that actually happened, I don't think I'll ever know.

Isn't that what you wanted?

Yeah but I never imagined it could actually become anything more than just wishful thinking on my part.

Well maybe she sees something in you, she likes.

Xena gave a quick, sarcastic snicker.

(Sarcasm) Right because I have such a charming personality and great track record when it comes to my interactions with other people.

True. But that doesn't mean that things can't be different going forward.

I don't know about that. People don't just change mother.

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