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After you.

Gabrielle walked into Xena's private quarters as the other woman held the door open for her before following her inside and shutting the door.

Why don't you go make yourself comfortable.


Gabrielle walked over to the chair that sat near Xena's desk where she usually sat.

No not there. Over here.

Gabrielle stopped and looked over to see Xena walking toward her bedroom.

Oh I uh.

Xena paused in her steps to look back at Gabrielle and smiled.

I figured it would be easier to relax on a bunch of pillows than just sitting in those chairs all the time.

Oh, yeah. I guess it would be.

Gabrielle followed Xena into her room and watched as Xena moved to get herself a drink before going over to where the number of pillows were spread on the floor and settled herself down in them before calling Gabrielle over to join her.

Well come on over and make yourself comfortable. You want anything?

No I'm okay. Thanks.

Xena patted the pillows near her.

Okay. Then come have a seat.

Xena smirked.

Unless you just wanna stand way over there while you're telling me some of those stories I've been looking forward to hearing?

Oh yeah I guess you did want me to tell you some of my stories, didn't you?

Gabrielle walked over to where Xena was laying casually on her side and sitting down on one of the pillows as she remembered the first day of her being in the keep and how utterly terrified she was standing in this room as her mind raced with the worst possible thoughts of what was going to happen to her at the hands of the woman who was laying within arms reach of her. But now there Gabrielle was willingly in the Conqueror's bedroom as she thought of how much had happened since then and thought of how if the girl from then could see her now, she would probably think that she had gone completely mad. Which to be honest, the Gabrielle of the present still wasn't convinced that she hadn't. Regardless of how she had begun to feel.

So um, which story would you like to hear first.

Xena shrugged casually.

I don't know which ones you know. Just pick one, and I'll let you know if I've heard it before.

Sure thing. Okay let's see.

Gabrielle thought for a moment and picked out a rather adventurous tale that she had heard, as she figured that an action packed story would probably hold the Conqueror's interest more than some of the other more romanticized stories that the young woman knew.

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