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It was just another mid-morning as Gabrielle sat with her eyes held to the words written in front of her. Her whole attention so focused solely on the scroll in her hands, that she never even noticed when a tall figure came up behind her until she felt herself suddenly being grabbed and snatched up. Causing her to let out a quick, startled scream, before hearing a Whisper in her ear.

(Whisper) There you are. I've been looking for you

Gabrielle felt herself being held closer to the person behind her as she was let down enough for her feet to be placed back on the floor as the young woman tilted her head back to see a pair of piercing blue eyes looking down at her and smiled.

You make it sound like I'm difficult to find.

Fair point.

The Conqueror smiled as she placed a small kiss on Gabrielle's forehead before allowing the woman to turn in her arms to face her.

So was there anything specific you came in here for?


Xena smirked.

Well other than to find you, so I could do this.

Xena brought her lips to Gabrielle's and the two women lost themselves in one another for a long moment as the simple kiss quickly deepened into something far more passionate, before with a great deal of difficulty, Xena pulled herself away and the two caught their breath.

Sorry that was a bit more than I had planned. Guess I kinda lost myself there.

Gabrielle smiled as she tried to fight the blush that she knew was creeping onto her face.

That's okay, I didn't mind.

Hmm, that's good to know.

Gabrielle watched as a devilish smiled crossed the Conqueror's face.

Then let's see how you feel about this.

Suddenly before the younger women could do or say anything, Gabrielle found herself being quickly turned around and held in place as Xena's hands began rapidly moving along her sides, causing the young woman to begin to squirm in the Conqueror's arms as she laughed.

(Laughing) Ah, no, stop! Let me go! Stop!

Ignoring Gabrielle's plea as she laughed, Xena continued letting her fingers playfully poke at the young woman for several moments until finally relenting and letting Gabrielle slip from her grasp and turn to face her with a smile on her face as she still giggled a little.

I gotta say I wasn't really expecting that.

Xena smiled.


Gabrielle shook her head slightly in mock disapproval as with idle curiosity, Xena turned her attention to the scrolls that Gabrielle had pulled out to read and Gabrielle thought of how even after everything that she'd seen from the Conqueror, somehow the woman was still able to act in a way that took Gabrielle by complete surprise.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Where stories live. Discover now