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Unconscious and unresponsive, Gabrielle laid on the floor of Xena's room as the Conqueror herself worked frantically to get the young woman breathing once again.

Come on Gabrielle.

Xena again covered the other woman's mouth with her own and blew before resuming chest compressions.

Just breathe.

When nothing changed, Xena kept repeating her actions as she pleaded for Gabrielle to breathe. The fear of losing the young woman that had come to mean more to her than Xena thought anyone ever could sank in as she continued to get no reaction from anything she was doing.

This can't be happening. Just breathe Gabrielle, breathe damn it!

The Conqueror kept up her attempts to resuscitate Gabrielle, not noticing when a few healers arrived on the scene to see Xena despitely trying to save the young woman that remained unresponsive on the floor. Not knowing what more they could do at the moment, the healers just moved closer and looked on at the situation and watched Xena's continuing efforts. Though by this time a small part of Xena had begun to question if too much time had gone by and the lack of air had already taken its toll and Gabrielle wasn't going to be able to come back.

(Thinking to herself) No, no its not too late. Not yet. I can still save her. I WILL save her. Come on Gabrielle.

Again, Xena pressed her lips to Gabrielle's and breathe into her, trying desperately to force air into her lungs before continuing to press up and down on the woman's chest.

Wake up. Wake up. Gabrielle, breathe. Come on. Come on, breathe. Breathe!

Xena put her ear to Gabrielle's chest and listened for a heartbeat to make sure the younger women still had one, and heard a faint thumping that kept her hope going as she again blew into Gabrielle's mouth before rhythmically pumping her hands in the center of the young woman's chest.

Come on, Gabrielle. Come on. Don't leave me.

Still getting no reaction from Gabrielle, and at a complete loss of anything more that she could do, sheer panic set in as the normally stoic and logical Xena's eyes began to overflow with tears and in an act of desperation began slamming the side of her closed fist against Gabrielle's chest as she continued her pleas for the young woman to awaken.

Don't you leave me! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!

Xena's fist came down on Gabrielle's chest again and again with each desperate plea.

Wake up!

Gabrielle remained unresponsive as Xena again pounded on the young woman's chest.

Wake up!

Again nothing happened as Xena cried as desperately brought her fist against Gabrielle yet again.

Wake up!

Crying Xena hung her head as all seemed lost, and her fist hit Gabrielle's chest once more, and she suddenly heard the young woman gasp loudly and instantly looked up as Gabrielle gasped and coughed as she tried to catch her breath as Xena could tell that she was having a very difficult time doing so.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora