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~ A Very short Chapter ~

Chat groan as he entered his house. He really didn't want to yell at his son but he needed to know why the fuck would he do something so stupid.

"Louis, Prince, Agreste, Noir get your ass in here now!"

Louis know when his father called his full name he was in big trouble. He normally won't get in trouble because he knew his father didn't play.

One time he had spit on his teacher. Not only did Chat whoop him but he took away his games and made him write I will never spit on my teacher even again over 50 time.

" Look if you feel like this is abuse than please keep your commitment to yourself because this is what I had to do when I was a kid and I don't think it was abuse😂.

Chat waited for his son to slowly walk around the corner.

Chat - Get your ass in here now.

Louis swallowed his spit before walking into the living room. He looked up at his father with fear in his eyes.

Chat - You have 2 minutes to tell me why the fuck would you did something so damn stupid.

Louis stay quiet for a moment before speaking " I..I thought it would be funny."

Chat - Louis why would it be funny to see a big ass wolf spider running around the house?

Louis - Daddy he's not poisonous.

Chat  - Louis it doesn't matter some people don't like spider and you know that. I told you if I bought it for you, you needed to keep it in the damn cage.

Louis - A..are you going to kill him?

Chat - No but you have to be punished.

Louis - I do?

Chat - Yes you traumatized Marinette and your break a rule.

Louis - I can say sorry to Marinette.

Chat - You were going to apologize regardless. Also you could have hurt her.

Louis - How?

Chat - Louis Marinette is pregnant ok. Your have a little brother or sister on the way. You scaring her like that was bad for the baby.

After he said that his son began crying hard. It completely took Chat by surprise.


Chat let out a sign before pulling Louis into a hug. The boy cried for a good minute before Chat calmed him down.

Chat - Look Louis it's ok alright.

Louis - B..but what if Marinette doesn't like me or what if my brother or sister doesn't like me

Chat - Look Marinette not going to stop liking you ok. She just needs a little break that's all and I promise your sister or brother still liked you.

Louis - A.. Are you sure?

Chat - Yes.

Louis - Dad I'm really sorry.

Chat - I know you are but you still need a little punishment.

Louis - Ok what is that?

Chat paused for a moment before answering him. " No PlayStation for 3 days."

Louis - Ok.

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