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Marinette was laying in the bed sleeping peacefully. She had just got done doing her 15 minute walk around the garden. When she got back she was very tired. 

She had only been asleep for 50 minutes before Chat came into the room.

"Marinette wake up~"

"Mmmm leave me alone just let me be a lazy potato." She said while pushing him away. 

Chat grin before before slapping her ass and and whispering in her ear. "Know get up before you get another one"

Marinette set up from the bed and turn around to look at him.  " Fucking asshole."

Chat - I know.~

After he said that he got up and walk over towards the door. Marinette sigh and slowly slipped out of bed and followed him.

They both walked all the way down the hallway toward a empty room.

Marinette - Why are we here?

Chat - Patient my love let me open the door.

After he said that he opened the door up to the room. Inside Louis was standing in the middle of the room he let out a loud surprise when he seen Marinette.


~The Baby room~

Marinette let out a little gasped when she seen the beautiful room.

Marinette - You two did all this?

Chat - It was Louis idea. 

Marinette - Awwww thank you Louis!

She walked over to him and gave him and hug and a kiss on his head.

Chat - Hold on what about me? I'm the one who did all the moving and I'm the one who had to go in there and wake you up knowing I would probably get cursed out and I don't get a kiss!

Marinette - Your father is such a baby. 

Louis - I can see.

Both of them Laugh while Chat crossed his hands. " I don't see what's funny."

Marinette - Awww come here baby. 

After she said that she walked over to Chat and kissed him on his lips.

Chat - Thats more better~

Marinette rolled her eyes after that.

Louis - Dad can we play football together?

Chat - Hell yeah go put something else on.

Louis nodded his head before running to his room to go change. 

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