His Home

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~Short Chapter ~

Marinette was looking out the window the whole ride. There was nothing said between him or her.

They had been on the road for 30 minutes now.

While driving Chat seen a sign on the road saying that there was a few restaurants up a head.

He decided to stop bye one of the restaurants to feed Marinette.

Chat - Do you want anything from out of here?

Marinette shook her head no.

Chat - Are you sure?

Marinette - Yes.

Chat looked at her for a moment before sighing and opening his door. He step out and walked towards the restaurants entrance.  The whole time Marinette was watching him.

Once he was out of her sight she slowly began to close her eyes. She didn't know when she had closed her eyes.

She hated the fact that she lied to Chat. It was hungry as hell. She can just feel her baby getting angry at her by the second. 

She didn't know how long she was asleep or how long he was in the restaurant. She only opened her eyes back up when she heard the door being to open and closed. 

Chat didn't say a word to her he just sat the food down next to her. The only thing he had bought himself was some black coffee and a muffin. 

Marinette look over at the food before looking away. Chat started up the car and began driving away.

While driving he could tell that Marinette wanted the food. He knew that she countied realized the food. He really wanted her to eat the food before it got cold. 

To his happiness Marinette reach over and grabbed the food. She opened it up to see a hamburger and fries. She picked the food up and began eating it. She was happy that it was still hot instead of cold.

The food was so tasty and so good. It had been a minute since she last had a hamburger. She knew that Chat was looking at her and she really didn't care.

The rest of the ride was quite Marinette still didn't want to say anything to him. She didn't know how to feel about the whole situation.

For one she was happy that he when back looking for her. It made her feel like she was worth something. 

But at the same time she couldn't forgive him because of all the things he called her. He called her every name that a man would usually call a woman when ever they get pissed or angry. 

It took another 10 minutes until they pulled up to a big House. 

Marinette whole month dropped when she seen how big and beautiful it was.

Chat House

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Chat House

Chat - Alright this is my house. 

Marinette - This is not a house.  It's a fucking mansion!

Chat chuckled and shook his head before getting out of the car. Marinette swallowed her spit and hop out of the car as well.

She couldn't believe that it was actually his house. 

Marinette - Do you rent?

Chat - Hell no this is my house the mortgage is paid and all. 

Marinette felt her stomach hurt after he said that. The fact that he moved away to a different country, bought a new house, and fuck a few women all made her sick.

She hated the fact that he was so able to move on so easily from her. She hated the fact that he was going to start a whole new life without her. She hated that she had to suffer even though she had never did anything to deserve it.

All of the food that she ate all came up. Chat was completely taking by surprise. Just the thought of her throwing up made her throw up even more. 

Marinette - Oh my Gosh I'm so sorry fuck!

Chat - Its ok.

Marinette - No it's not!

Chat - Yes it is I'll have some come out here and clean it up. Come on let's get you inside. 

After he said that he picked Marinette up. While walking with her she covered up her mouth because she didn't want him to smell her breath.

When they entered the room her eyes got bigger. 

Chat Room

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Chat Room

Once they were inside Chat walked her toward the bathroom. 

~ The Bathroom ~

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~ The Bathroom ~

Chat - There's a extra toothbrush in the cup and there's also some toothpaste on the side.

Marinette nodded her head before walking over towards the sink.

Chat - I'll bring your stuff up here if you need anything just call me ok?

Marinette gave him a thumbs up before he left the room. Once he was gone Marinette began looking around while brushing her teeth. 

The Bathroom was beautiful she love the beautiful Marvel floor and also the design. It was a complete upgrade from where she had been staying. 

Now that she seen the house she wondered how much money did he make and what did he do for a living. Was he some kind of drug lord or something like that?

After thinking about it and also brushing her teeth she spit the toothpaste out of her mouth and Cleaned up after herself. 

Once she was done she just walked over towards the bed and laid down.  She grabbed the pillow and sniffed a little bit.

To be honest she was worried about her future. She didn't know if Chat was going to leave her again or not. A few tears slow fell down her face before she slowly fell asleep again. 

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