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Marinette felt so warm and cozy. Her body felt amazing from the nice shower that she took earlier. 

She had been sleeping for 5 hours now. Things were going perfectly fine until she heard a knock at her door.

The knocking was very loud. She let out a little moan before slowing opening her eyes.

She sat up and look around the room to see that it was dark. She let out a groan when she heard anthor kick at his door.

Marinette - Fuck I'm coming!

After she said that she grabbed her shorts and also her shirt. Once she had her things on she walked over towards the door and opened it up.

When she looked up she couldn't believe who was standing at her door.

Chat eyes when a little wild when he seen that it was really Marinette standing in front of him.

Before he could even say a word Marinette slams the door shut. She was confused for a moment before opening the door again to look at him. She had to make sure he was real.

Chat - Y..your really here.

Marinette - How what the fuck?!

Chat - Marinette if I can please just let me -

Before he could even finish Marinette sent a punch to his face. The punch was hard. It completely took him by surprise. 

Chat - Fuck.

Marinette - You need to fucking leave!

Chat - W..wait please hear me out ok please I know your mad you have every right to be but please Marinette.

Marinette looked at him and watched as some blood began to run down his face. The last thing she wanted was his blood in front of her door.

Marinette - Fine come in here and clean your fucking nose! And you have 3 damn minutes to explain what happened. 

Chat nodded his heads while holding his nose that was dripping with bloood When he entered the room Marinette point him to the bathroom so that he could clean himself up.

While doing so Marinette close her door and let out a sigh. She countied believe that Chat was actually in her hotel room. Everything felt like a complete dream.

After a few seconds Chat came back onto the room. He stood in front of her rubbing the back of his head. 

Marinette - How the fuck did you fine me?

Chat - W..well I have a tracker on your phone. 

Marinette - What phone?

Chat - Your I phone. You don't remember when I installed?

Marinette looked at him and than at the I phone. She had completely forgotten that there was a tracker on it.

Marinette - Ok but why did you come here after all these months huh? You didn't care about me when you left so why show up now?

Chat - Marinette the last night I took you home I arrived back to my house.  I got a text message from and unknown person saying that you've been cheating on me with Luka and that the baby wasn't mine.

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