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Chat let out a long sigh once he enter their room. They had been out for 5 hours shopping. Chat had spent over 10k on Marinette, Hugo and Louis.  Marinette make sure to take her time while shopping.

Chat let out a groan before falling into the bed. He never wanted to go shopping with Marinette again. 

To top it off he had to carry around Hugo all day.

As he was laying on the bed Marinette came in. She smiled to herself before running over towards him and jumping on his back.

Marinette - Chat~

Chat - Mmmmm.

Marinette - Chat baby.~

Chat - What?

Marinette - You tired?

Chat - What do you think?

"Well... are you to tired to have sex~" She said while bending down making sure to push her breast on his back.

"Fuck!" He said into the covers. She was really making him really horny. He really wanted to have sex with her but he was so tired. 

Chat - Damnit Marinette.

Marinette - What's wrong kitty? No sex?

Chat - Baby I'm so tired.

Marinette - Awww than that means no sex for you.

Chat - Marinette. 

Marinette - I'm going to let you rest up because you have to go get Louis in 3 more hours. 

After she said that she gave him a kiss on his cheek before leaving their room. Since Hugo was a sleep in his room she decided to go downstairs to decided what they were having for dinner.

When she enter the Kitchen she walked over towards the dinner book.

"Mmmmm.....Broccoli cheddar soup sounds good to night." She said to herself.

While she was in the middle of looking at the book she heard a unfamiliar voice.

"You must be Chat girlfriend"

Marinette eye twitched when she hear the female voices.  She didn't want to talk to her at all. She slowly calm herself before slowly turning around to look at the woman. 

She slowly scan her up and down. She was wearing a black crop top with some black leggings. She had short hair that looked just like hers and had freckles all over her face. Her eyes were brown and she was at least 3 inches taller than herself. Marinette had to admit she was every beautiful.

"Hi and You must be Kagami" She said in a fake joyful way.

Kagami - Yeah! I'm so happy to finally meet you. Chat talks about you alot.

Marinette - Oh yeah?

Kagami - Yeah he always talking about how your his world and how much he love you.

Marinette - Awww I'll have to treat him later on for that.

Kagami - Also I'm sorry for making everything with you and Chat wired.

Marinette - Wired?

Kagami  - Yeah he would sometimes talk to me whenever he was stressed about what was going on.

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