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Chat heart drop to his ass when he seen Lila standing at the front door with his parents. He didn't know why the fuck she was there but he knew it was about to be world war 3.

"Mom? Chat is that your baby mama?" Marinette while looking at chat.

"Y..yes" He said before opening his truck door.

Marinette looked at him before opening her door and getting out of the car. Chat  really didn't want Marinette to get out he wanted her to say in because he didn't want any drama. Louis as well got out of the car and ran over towards his grandparents. 

"Grandpa!!! Grandma!!!!" Louis said as he ran over towards the two.

He was going to hug them until Lila pick him up and begin kissing him on his face.

Lila - Ahhhhh Louis I missed you so much!!!!

Louis groan as she squeezed him. Chat nervously walked over towards the front door with Marinette following him.

When Lila seen Chat she put Louis down.

Lila - Well hello Chat your looking good as always.  ~

Chat didn't say anything to her. Lila eye's moved from him to Marinette. 

"And who are you?"

"I'm Chat girlfriend." Marinette said while looking back at her.

Lila looked her over her body and stop when she seen Marinette stomach. 

Lila - Ohhh I see you must be Marinette baby mama number 2. Yeah Chat told me about you. Chat you must have gotten the DNA test done. 

Chat wanted to die on the spot after she said that. Marinette eyes twitch after she said that.

Marinette - DNA test?

Lila - Yes.

Marinette turned her head to look at Chat. "Mmmm and you also hear about me."

Lila - I mean Chat was heart broken that's why he came over to my house 5 day after he arrived. I had to build him back up. Sorry I can't give out that many details about that night because my son his here.

"I had to build him back up" Marinette blood ran cold after she said that. So many things was running through her head.

Chat - Lila what the fuck are you doing here? Mom, Dad did you to invite her?

Chat B - Now why would we do that when we can't stand her ourselves. 

Lila - I came over here because I was going to give your parents some paperwork to give you but as I can see he's here so here you go.

After she said that she handed Chat some papers.

Lila - As much as I would like to stay I  have to go I'm sorry good bye. Oh and it was nice meeting you Marinette I hope we can get along especially because we're sharing Chat.

After she said that she walked past Chat and Marinette. The whole time Marinette had to Fight the urge not to take Lila head and mass it into the wall.

Once she was gone everything was kind of awkward. 

Emily - Well Come in you 3 please. 

After she said that they all walked inside of the house. The inside was very beautiful.

If Marinette was in a good mood she would have been making compliments about it.

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