The Truth

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Tears just ran down Marinette face as she cried into the pillow that she was clenching. She wasn't at her father's house, she wasn't at her friend's house, and she wasn't at Chat house. 

She was laying in her hotel room crying once again like she always did. Her life was a mess and everything was horrible. She had lost everything within the span of 3 months.

Yes it has officially been 3 months since her life went to complete shit.

First of all she was 3 months pregnant without a job, she was 18 years old staying in the hotel room, she didn't and she was no longer in school. Everything was horrible.

To start it off first the next day when she woke up and read the long message from Chat she had completely broken.

She did everything in her power to try to get in contact with him. When she found out that she was blocked and also her phone weren't going through sje had a complete break down.

She was so desperate that she got up early that morning and walked to his house only to find out that he had moved out and was selling his house.

She broke down on his front yard and beg the people who were cleaning to call Chat for her.

One of the men felt bad for her and contacted chat but he only cursed her out and hung up the phone she couldn't even get a word in.

She stayed in her room for a complete week depressed and all. She only went to school because her father had gotten a call about her absences and he forced her to go.

When she arrived to school everyone were whispering about her. She was completely confused. When she walked into her first period she seen that there was already a new teacher teaching the classroom. Chat didn't even wait a week or two he just completely packed his stuff and left.

When she was sitting at her desk a group of girls came up to her. They were all snickering and giggling while walking up to her. She wasn't in the mood to play around with anyone she was completely pissed.

One of the girls open their mouths and asks if she really was pregnant also was the baby their teacher. To say her heart drop was a complete understatement she couldn't believe that word had got around about her being pregnant and she had got pregnant by the teacher.

She didn't even have to say anything the girl just immediately started laughing and calling her names such as slut, whore, and more.

Marinette was so mad that she hopped over her table and got into a fight with the girl. Of course the girl didn't win Marinette was always known for beating many females up so she wasn't worried about anything.

When the principal found out he suspended her for a whole 3 weeks. She knew after that incident she couldn't go back to school therefore she never showed her face again.

When her father found out he blow his shit. Him and Marinette had a huge fight. It was so bad that it got physical. Marinette father slapped her and she through pictures fram at him. His girlfriend got so mad that her and Marinette ended up fighting as well. 

It was so bad that Marinette had to be rush to the hospital. Only because Tom was worried about the baby. Luckily for her everything was ok. When her father left his things in the hospital room to talk to the doctor Marinette took 2k out of her father's wallet and left the hospital. 

The only thing she took with her was the phone that Chat gave her.  Even though it wasn't on she knew she would need it.

Once out of the hospital she called Alya to pick her up. From the she learned the truth behind everything.

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