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It has now been a week since Marinette started saying with Chat & Louis.

Things between her and Louis has been amazing. She really love the boy. They would spend at least one hour together every day.

Her and Chat were alright he made sure that she had all of the things she needed. She noticed that he was working way more than he used too.

She learned that he had a million dollar company. His network was sitting at 900 million dollars she countied believe it when he told her.

He had bought her new clothes, new a phone and many more things. They really didn't have sex like that. Chat was always busy on the phone talking to people about his business.

He also was still treading her as if she was a child. He had 6 maids in the house. She didn't like any of them. They all acted as if they didn't like her and she didn't care because she didn't like them either.

She let out a sigh when she hop out of the shower. She had to wash up because her and Louis were playing in the backyard together until it was time for him to go to his friends house.

She Hummed a song that was in her head as she walked out of the bathroom.

She tossed her dirty clothes in her basket before jumping into the bed. She let out a little moan when she felt the soft covers on her face.

The only thing that she had on was one of Chat shirts and her panties. While she was laying in bed Chat came into the room.

She turned her head a little bit to look at him. He of course was on the phone like always but he looked good.

He had on a black tank top and also gray sweatpants. Just looking at him made her bite her lips. Soon she felt butterflies dancing in her stomach and she became a little horny.

She looked away before raising her hands up so that the shirt could slide up to reveal some of her panties.

She looked over at him from the corner of her eyes to see that he was looking at her. She slowly reached up and grabbed a pillow so that the shirt could raise up even more.

Chat - Will t..tell Ellen that 50k isn't going to be enough for me to partner up with her. It's either 1 million or nothing.

Marinette rolled her eyes before sitting up a little bit and arching her back so that her ass was poking out.

She turned her head to look at Chat making sure he was looking at her.

Chat put his phone on mute before speaking to her.

Chat - Now?

Marinette - Yes.

Chat - Marinette I'm on the phone

"Mmmm" she said as she pushed her ass more into the air. Chat curse under his breath as he looked at her.

He couldn't lie and say that she didn't look good. If anything she still looked sexy as fuck and she was still tight.

Chat - Look Mike I'll talk to you later.

After he said that he hung up his phone. He walked over towards the bed and climbed into it.

Marinette was satisfied when she felt the bed move. She listen to him pull his pants down before she felt her panties getting pulled down.

She gasped when she felt his dick rub against her pussy. She hated that he was teasing her, she wanted him bad.

Marinette - Chat please don't play around.

She heard a chuckle come out of his mouth before he slipped his dick inside of her pussy.

They both let put a loud moan when they felt each other.

Marinette - Please Chat I..I need it hard.

She bit down on the pillow when she felt Chat pull out if her before slamming back into her.

She moan as his dick filled her tight pussy. Chat hands were placed on her hips as he fuck her hard and fast. Her ass moved up and down with every thrust.

She tried to squirm away for a little break he pulled her back and made her take more of his dick.

He was hitting her G-stop over and over again. Her breast bounce up and down as he fucked her harder and faster.

Marinette - Oh fuck chat I..I miss this so much! Ahhhhh.

Chat bent down and kissed her on her cheek. " Me too baby girl."

Hearing him said that made her want to cry. It had been so long since she heard anyone call her that. It felt so fucking good hearing him say that.

Chat - Fuck your so tight and wet baby. I missed everything about you. Your smell, your smile, your eyes, your humor, your sweet little giggle and your body. Fuck I missed all of you princess.

After he said that tears began coming out of her eyes after he said that.

When Chat notice she was crying he stopped thrusting in her.

Chat - M..Marinette are you ok?

Marinette sniffle before whipping her face. " I..I sorry."

Chat - No it's ok talk to me tell me what's going on.

After he said that he pulled out of her and grabbed her. Marinette cried some more as he laid her head on his chest.

She felt so worried being sad in the middle of sex. She felt like such a mood killer.

Marinette - I..I'm sorry fuck this is worried.

Chat - Baby your ok, stop saying sorry I'm the only person who should be saying sorry. Your like this because of me.

Marinette - I know but fuck we when from having sex to me crying on you and not in a horny good way. Fuck these hormones!

Chat - It's ok if you don't want to have sex and just talk that's fine.

Marinette - But I'm horny and sad at the same time.

She said while looking up at him with her big blue eyes. See her looking up at Chat like that made him weak.

"Well we can do whatever you want Baby girl." He said while kissing her on her head.

Marinette - Chat I really want us to work out. I really do i..it's just I'm going through a lot.

Chat - Do you want therapy?

Marinette - I mean sure but I don't want to go bye myself.

Chat - If you want we can go together.

Marinette - Yeah I would like that.

Chat - Just let me know when your ready im not going to force you.

Marinette - Thank you Chat I haven't felt like this in a very long time.

Chat - The only thing I want you to feel is joy.

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