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Dex finished making the gadget Biana needed and said his goodbyes to the group. His aunt and uncle had come back with a stack of neverseen outfits and sophie had handed out the gazillions of weapons she had stored in her cloak. He was now wondering down the hallways with his head down following sophie's instructions carefully. After what seemed like miles of walking and gazillions of silent 'am i nearly there yets'  he had managed to find the door labeled F.P.  Slowly turning the door knob he peeked inside, looking for cameras. Sophie had also told him before he  left that the tech room was located through a door in fintans office so he needed to make the call and destroy the surveillance system. The key to that room was located somewhere in the office. He threw a small diversion gadget at the small camera in the corner and listened. 

Technology wasn't just a object, it was a language. It was hard to explain but dex had always been able to hear the gentle whirring of a device and decipher the code. His eyes followed the sound and he found the hidden camera disguised as a golden vase. he threw another diversion gadget at the camera and walked into the room, locking it behind him. The room was your standard boring office room; brown walls, a mahogany desk centred in the middle with a large window behind it. Reaching from same height as the desk to the ceiling and the same as the desk length ways. In the right corner next to the door was a tall umbrella plant  and   in the left was tall open shelves with fossil like ornaments placed on it. His desk was messy with paper and pen sprawled across it, a long with a dying cactus plant.

The room was the sort of dim that gave you a headache so dex had to work fast in order to save his sanity. Careful not to leave to much of a mess he rummaged through draws until he came across the silver key. "Yes" he pumped his fist and unlocked the tech room door.

Dex had two words. Literal, paradise. The walls were full of screens and desks full of new gadgets in building process. He tsked. "Thats never going to work they are missing the core runner" he laughed picking up what seemed to be an electrical throwing star. "noobs" he snorted. Plopping down on the spinny chair he started hacking into the data system. "Password? well its the neverseen so.." he entered a password into the black bar and a page of code popped up on the screen. "only finstan would make the neverseens password 'neverseen123' are they stupid" he cackled.  He thought back to what Paris had said and he entered today's date but with last years numbers and the exact time  it was into the code. The cameras flickered slightly before they changed to the same screen as before but the previous year. "easy. fucking. peasy" He lent back on the chair and picked up the landline located next to him. Dialing the blackswans number he waited for forkman to pick up. "Hello?" mr forkles voice rung out, laced with confusion. "you can stop recording dude, its Dex." 

"Dex! what's going on is this really you?" 

"yep, sophie and keefe came to get us. And yes we are all safe and quoting sophie's words 'dont shout, dont contradict and just listen and have trust' We have a plan. and it's pretty fucking good"

sighing, forkle agreed to listen. "well... we have a person on the inside" Dex went on to explain the plan sophie told him before. "all we need you to do is bring all the  agents we have and discretely circle the neverseen base. i dont know what sophies plan after that is but from the look on her face? It's pretty dangerous and knowing sophie? Bound to work. You have one order, do not let anyone enter the building unless soph says so. She's telling my aunt and uncle the rest of the plan and they will come meet you outside."

"Dex I want you to get everyone out now. This is ridiculous and never going to work. If she had a single brain cell left she would get out now."

"She said you would argue but she told me to tell you swan song and actually sir? It's pretty bloody sound and the circumstances of their meeting lay out perfectly for us. You need to stop taking the high road and actually start taking action. We have lost so many people and i'm not prepared to lose anymore to these dickheads so have some trust and listen to the kids for once."

"you kids... We'll be there in a half hour. be ready and stay safe"

Dex hung up and grinned, pretty satisfied with himself. He tapped his headset and told sophie his part was done and now he sat and watched until he was contacted with further instructions. 


Thankyou to KittyCoder6 for being my top commenter and also you and sdfghjmrewsnnbj for making me laugh whilst scrolling throught he  comments. I appreciate you guys sm and also happy new year!

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