Chapter 3

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Max's POV

The four of us are taken to the main living area, a large clean living room. We're shoved to the ground, luckily its a soft landing. The tall one from before was already sat on the sofa, his arms crossed and eyes dark. But now, there are another five standing around, staring down at us.

"What the fuck is-" Sunwoo snaps, but is immediately interrupted by the dark haired male.

"I'm not going to repeat myself." He said. His threatening energy suffocating the place. We could all feel it, even without saying anything. I think I felt it the most, as his gaze was on me.

"You know, KIDNAPPING, isn't a good thing." Haknyeon exclaims.

"We offered you to come quietly, you didn't." One said.

I noticed one of them standing at the back, he had his eyes on Chloe, he felt the most powerful amongst everyone.

"Let's calm down and introduce ourselves." Another said.

We sat as each of them said their names, then we said ours.

"Now that's done, let us go!" Sunwoo shouts, fighting his ropes.

"It won't work pup." Juyeon said.

"Why." I call, making them all fall silent.

"Why take us? We weren't harming anyone, we aren't like the rogue ones on the news said, we're safe." I said.

"Exactly, better you guys than those rogue ones." Eric said with a shrug.

"And what do you want with us?" Haknyeon asks.

"Why do you think?" Hyunjae calls. He leans down to grab my chin, a smirk on his face.

"Hyunjae." Younghoon warns, making the male move away. Sangyeon then walks over.

"Omegas are dangerous, you four may not be, but we can't be so sure." He said, his hands in his pockets.

"Omegas are being killed!" Haknyeon exclaims.

"Because of their behaviour, do you four even know what being apart of a pack means?" Younghoon asks.

"It means you lose your independence and bow down to some power hungry wolf!" Sunwoo shouts.

"No, it means you'd have a family, protection and love." Jacob replies with a laugh.

As all of them were talking none of them noticed I had wriggled out of my ropes and slowly moving closer to Chloe. She then noticed I was free and moving slowly, she gives me a stern look.

"Run." She mouths.

I shake my head and mouth No back. She mouths run again, urging me to go. Everyone is then surprised when Chloe manages to get to her feet and run, causing a distraction. I get up quickly and run to the front door, getting out quickly and running as fast as I could. I don't look back, tears on my face for leaving my friends, but suddenly I feel a pair of strong arms around my waist, a scent making me dizzy and that is the last thing I remember before blacking out.

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