Chapter 23

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As the werewolves gathered outside to save their girls, inside the dimly lit warehouse stood a large group of vampires. All of them staring at the two werewolves chained to the tables, the leader amongst the vampires stepped forwards.

"Drain their blood. I want every last drop." He orders his undead group.

"Fuck you!" Chloe shouts, thrashing in her restraints.

"Oh weak little pup, your so stupid. Drain them." He said.

Two vampires step forward and grab tubes that were connected to two large tanks. Both female werewolves fight the chains the best they could, wriggling and growling.

"Taeyong Hyung." One of the younger's in the group call, the leader turning to look at him.

"They're here." He said.

"Alright boys, go play with the mutts." He smirks, watching his other vampire members rush off. His eyes turn to his other friends who are setting up to drain the girls' blood.

As Taeyong watches, he could hear the growls and shouts of the werewolves. He wasn't scared, its something he could never feel. His focus on the two girls. Even when the door flies open and the group of angered wolves charged in.

"Get away from them!" Sangyeon growls, so loudly, the two vampires fall to the floor. Taeyong being the most powerful didn't move an inch.

"Your little friends are fully dead now, not just their hearts." Sangyeon said.

Taeyong laughs and walks over to the girls, standing between both of their tables. His two other friends vanished as the true alpha growled. Leaving Taeyong to fight eleven angry male werewolves.

"I'm already draining their blood, your too late~"

The wolves look over and see IV's stuck in the girls arms, flowing through rubber tubes into the large tanks.

"You asshole!" Sunwoo growls.

The young omega turns full wolf and charges at the vampire, pinning him against the wall before he could get away. Growling and baring his teeth at the undead male.

"What you going to do pup, can't do fuck all without big man's orders~" Taeyong said smirking.

"I'll rip your neck out with my teeth." Sunwoo snarled.

"Go ahead." Taeyong offers.

"You heard the man." Sangyeon spoke from the back.

Sunwoo smirks at the vampire, his teeth sharp as he bites down, the sound of skin ripping and blood dripping. Taeyong falls to the floor lifeless as Sunwoo wipes his mouth. Younghoon and Sangyeon run over to their girls, ripping the IV's from their arms, breaking the chains and helping them up.

"Your safe now." Sangyeon whispers in Chloe's ear.

"I have you, your safe in my arms." Younghoon whispers in Max's ear.

"Let's get home, all the vampires are gone, you girls are back in safe arms." Jacob said softly.

The two girls nod, holding onto their alphas. It was one eventful night, but their enemy was quickly taken care of.

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