Chapter 5

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Chloe's POV

"This room is big enough for you three, if not you can stay with me pretty one~" Hyunjae said as we get to the room, giving me a wink.

"Back off." Sunwoo said, standing in front of me, blocking Hyunjae.

"Alright, calm down you wild mutt. Dinner will be at 6, but be there at 5:50, be there before the alpha's show up." He said with a laugh.

Hyunjae then leaves and once he does, Sunwoo turns to me, a look of concern on his face.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?" He asks, looking over my body.

"No Sun, I'm fine, just worried about Max. I wonder if she got away." I answer.

"She's smart, she'll be fine." Haknyeon tells me, placing an arm around my shoulder.

I sigh and sit with my male friends, hoping they are right.


Back in the alpha house, young alpha Eric was staring at the girl intensely. Changmin walks past with a glass of water.

"Dude, stop staring, you'll burn her alive." He said.

"What!" Eric shouts, jumping in his seat, making the elder laugh.

"I'm joking little alpha!" He cheers, laughing loudly, making the youngest sigh. The two then hear Max groan, telling them she's waking up.

"Um, Hyungs!" Eric exclaims. Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon and Juyeon walk in.

"She's waking up." Changmin tells them. The alphas gather around the female omega.

Max groans, holding her head as she sits up, she feels fuzzy and glances around, seeing the powerful males.

"Where are my friends!" She shouts.

"Now calm down, we have some questions, you answer them, you get to see your friends." Jacob tells her.

"W-What questions?" Max stutters.

"How did you guys make it alive, when hundreds of omegas are being hunted and killed day after day?" Changmin asks.

"We...hid and stayed together. We don't usually show ourselves in public anyways, we know better than to do that." Max answers, tilting her head down.

"Smart girl." Juyeon said, sitting next to the female, taking in her scent.

"You smell good too." He said, sniffing her scent more.

"Juyeon." Sangyeon calls, making the younger move away.

Eric is still standing, staring at the young girl. Younghoon pats the younger's shoulder.

"You need to control yourself little one." Younghoon said.

"Its... weird. Her scent... is so... addictive." He said, making the elder nod in agreement.

Max looks up at Sangyeon, knowing he's the mot powerful.

"Um, can I go see my friends please?" She asks.

"A few more questions, darling." Jacob said softly. Max felt a bit more relaxed with his soft tone.

"Who is the leader amongst you four?" He asks.

"Well, we don't really have one. But I guess you'd say Sunwoo or Chloe." Max answers, fidgiting with her fingers.

"Yeah Sunwoo has a big mouth on him." Younghoon spits.

"He's protective!" Max shouts, shocking the alphas.

"S-Sorry." She apologises quickly.

"You need to learn manners, darling. I'm sure you know who we are." Jacob said, making Max nod quickly.

"S-Sorry." She said again.

"That's it for now. Chanhee will come and take you back to your friends." Younghoon said.

The other alphas leave as Younghoon shoots a message to Chanhee. Max looks at the male in front of her. Younghoon walks over, towering over her sitting frame.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks, making the younger nod quickly.

"You should be." He adds with a smirk.

He leans down to look into the omegas eyes. He flashes his red as hers flash blue. He smirks as Chanhee walks in.

"Where's the little runt?" He calls, a lollipop hanging from his mouth.

"Watch your mouth." Younghoon warns, making the beta calm down.

"Sorry Hyung." Chanhee apologises softly.

Younghoon nods and watches as the male takes the female out, her scent still lingering in the living room.

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